02-08-2003, 10:08 PM
Evil Chris
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Kazaa - Do you use it?
I used to use Kazaa to download peer to peer but got rid of it recently. Too much adware! It was clogging up my computer.
I grabbed a copy of Kazaa Lite though. Tastes great, less filling. LOL
Seriously, if you're a Kazaa user... what do you use it for? I use mine mainly to download mp3s and maybe a few games. When it comes to applications and software, I usually pay and register.
02-08-2003, 10:49 PM
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Re: Kazaa - Do you use it?
Originally posted by Evil Chris
I used to use Kazaa to download peer to peer but got rid of it recently. Too much adware! It was clogging up my computer.
I grabbed a copy of Kazaa Lite though. Tastes great, less filling. LOL
Seriously, if you're a Kazaa user... what do you use it for? I use mine mainly to download mp3s and maybe a few games. When it comes to applications and software, I usually pay and register.
I tried it once for games but I don't play much games anymore.
Posting on boards kinda look over, more interactive.
02-08-2003, 11:00 PM
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Yah and I can never share shit and anyone find it!
The best gnutella client for Windows I've found is http://www.shareaza.com
No ads, no bullshit, just a nice clean app with some kick ass features and support for G2.
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02-08-2003, 11:12 PM
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I know some guys there were busted because they used Kazaa.
Software and music biz is chekking the users and come to their homes!

<a href='http://www.exxxt.com'><b><font size=+1 color=eeeeff>Exxxt.com</font></b></a> - List galleries on your TGP or MGP and get FREE traffic back!!!
02-08-2003, 11:56 PM
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They don't know it yet, but they can't stop true P2P! Never!
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02-09-2003, 02:09 AM
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I used it the other day to find an MP3 and it proceeded to install some dialer-type (non porn of course) program onto my computer. And it also popped timed consoles and installed this self executing file called "vi.exe" and what would happen is if I went to Yahoo and searched for books for example, it would know I was searching for books and pop a window relating to a sponsor bookstore. VERY ANNOYING and hard to remove.
- Jennifer
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02-09-2003, 08:20 AM
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No I dont trust these programs....
I have a friend that got a HUGE mp3 and program server so I donīt need to look...he finds 
02-09-2003, 11:55 PM
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Citizen X
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I use Kazaalite, it still has some spyware/annoying popups but nowhere near as beasty as Kazaa. I generally just use it for music
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02-10-2003, 12:17 AM
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I used to use it. Mostly for mp3s and the occasional game. Sometimes for a movie too. But I got sick of all the hassle and now I mostly use Usenet. There's a newsgroup for damn near anything you want to download and it's usually easier and faster than p2p.
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02-10-2003, 12:18 PM
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I use Kazaalite and I've never seen a pop-up. There are none. I think they added a pop-up once, but it's gone now.
02-10-2003, 12:28 PM
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I had a program that removed that spy whare....cant seem to find it now 
02-10-2003, 07:27 PM
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AdAware? You can find that on download.com.
02-10-2003, 09:11 PM
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Ad-aware works great ...
I don't use it ... I'm paranoid about spyware. I also buy what I want. Must be some kind of old-fashioned attitude.
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02-10-2003, 09:55 PM
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Citizen X
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Folks told me about WinMX 3.31 for music swapping, prolly a newer version out, you can get it at download and its another P2P with no spyware.
I use Kazaa alot, they always got what I am looking for but you have to put up with ads and spyware, if you remove the spyware with adware, Kazaa fails.
Kazaa lite is the other option.
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02-11-2003, 02:04 AM
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Yeah adaware was the name...
It cleared my computer straight up 
02-11-2003, 02:50 PM
Evil Chris
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We used to have the full ver of Kazaa on both our computers here but the adware just got out of control. Adaware cleaned up some of it, but definitely not all. I had to manualy scour our computers to get rid of the adware entirely. Kazaa Lite kicks ass though.
sandz: juicybucks looks good.... 2 dollar hooker in particular 
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