09-13-2002, 11:17 PM
Bruno Dickman
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CONGRATS TO BOTH OF YOU!! You deserve the coolest kid in th world!
Enjoy this special moment of your lives!! Its gonna get crazier and crazier now! Congrats!!!
Take care and Best Regards to all three of you!!
09-13-2002, 11:20 PM
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Congradulations to both of you! I guess we can call you Evil Papa from now on! lol
09-14-2002, 02:53 PM
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Way Cool! Congrats to both of you!
I have a 3 month old and all I have to say is get PLENTY of sleep in the upcoming months - You're going to need it! 

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09-14-2002, 04:14 PM
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X Master!
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Congratulations Funbrunette and Chris !!! 
09-14-2002, 05:28 PM
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lucky Daddy!
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Congratulations to you booth from Germany!
That´s so great!!!! i´m so in luck with you together!!!
09-15-2002, 01:19 PM
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It won't hurt. Trust me.
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Congrats to the both of you.
best wishes for your whole family... 
Anyone seen my life?
If you make fun of my age... I'll hit you with my cane.
09-16-2002, 05:16 AM
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Xited Frenchy
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Congrats both of u! great job?
What would be ur favourite? a girl? a boy? another labrador (lol)?
And what about their first names?

09-16-2002, 11:55 AM
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Congratulations to the Both of You!!!  ))
May you be blessed with Great Health for you and your Children!!!
Huge Huggs!!!
Lady Sharlot :-)
09-16-2002, 06:17 PM
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hmm I could have sworn I said congrats in this thread! anywho, congradulations you two..!
09-18-2002, 11:02 AM
is Travelling the
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09-18-2002, 11:22 AM
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 That cartoon could've come straight from my life!
The thing about having a kid is that while you're pregnant, 9 months seems like an eternity. Then the next thing you know, your baby is going into junior high!
It's hard for me to believe that this picture was taken almost 10 years ago, when my li'l princess was only 2:
Click here to see it <-- (don't want to take up board space with my brag shot LOL).
Now she's old enough to be worried about shaving her legs and making a good impression on the boys she seems to suddenly be so interested in.  Man, time flies...
So have you started thinking about names yet? 
09-18-2002, 12:50 PM
Evil Chris
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Rox... your daughter is ADORABLE!!!
I guess we have so much to too forward to!
09-18-2002, 02:18 PM
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and lots of love-
best wishes for your new family

09-19-2002, 04:45 AM
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Kitty's love slave :)
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Hooray!!!! Congrats!!!! Steph and Chris
The most magical life affirming moments in your life will be yours to share with your baby.
Your lives together will be bliss!
Best thoughts to you and your growing family!
"We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
09-20-2002, 12:44 PM
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Wow congratualtions !!!
I am very happy for the 3 of you
You all have lots to look forward to !
FB if you feel at any time like chatting to someone about babies- I'm right here all 8 months pregnant and just about ready to pop - it still amazes me - so I can only say that you have NO idea how amazing it is going to be
It's really great at this stage when you are all excited and it's new - but just wait until later on - when you feel baby's first kicks - and turning - even hiccups sometimes! Nothing you've ever experineced can prepare you for it - get ready for the time of your life - it's great!!!!!!!!
Chris you're going to love it too! When you rest your head on Steph's belly to listen and suddenly and get kicked ! hehehe
If you guys need any information or anythign- links to some good websites etc - hit me up ICQ 123958265
I don't think I've ever surfed so much in my life - but there's SO much to know - you just want to know what's happening every step of the way!
Once again congratualtions to both of you - and who knows maybe one day when we all meet up our little ruggies can hang out !

09-20-2002, 12:48 PM
is Travelling the
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Thanks Kitty! I'm going to take you up on that for sure! 
09-20-2002, 12:53 PM
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Geez i just remebered the other thing about being pregnant - your boobs grow by about 4 cup sizes - holy cow!!!!!! FB - you're gonna knock ppl out!
Just make sure you send Chris around the corners ahead of you to warn ppl out of the way LMAO 
09-20-2002, 01:00 PM
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Mostly Harmless
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Ohh Wow, a screaming, crying, nappy wetting, projectile vomitting baby!
Congratulations !!
Your lives will never be the same,
however it is one of the greatest gifts you will ever receive.
Well done guys !!

09-20-2002, 09:18 PM
is Travelling the
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Originally posted by =^..^=
Geez i just remebered the other thing about being pregnant - your boobs grow by about 4 cup sizes - holy cow!!!!!! FB - you're gonna knock ppl out!
Just make sure you send Chris around the corners ahead of you to warn ppl out of the way LMAO
OMG!!! I may join a circus as a freak...lol
Kitty....I'm getting scared! 
09-20-2002, 09:22 PM
Evil Chris
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I've been waiting most of my life to finally be a father.
Steph will be the most awesome Mom too.... of this I'm sure! 
09-20-2002, 09:36 PM
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Mostly Harmless
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I've been waiting most of my life to finally be a father. Steph with be the most awesome Mom too.... of this I'm sure!
What a nice post !!
I am sure you guys will be brilliant parents
and love every minute
09-20-2002, 10:40 PM
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Wow! Congrats Evil Chris and Funbrunette! Your going to have an Evil Child! Congrats to all three of you!
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09-21-2002, 12:35 AM
Brad Mitchell
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Re: HUGE news!
Originally posted by Funbrunette
Ok, I can't keep it a secret any longer...Chris & I are going to have a BABY!
We are both so happy and excited! I just had to share it with you guys!
Congratulations!!! That is very exciting news!!!
It seems that there are going to be lots of new mommies and daddies floating around here pretty soon! Melissa and I are going to have a baby also, we're due in April
What's your due date? Time to start readin' the baby books!!
09-21-2002, 12:47 AM
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Citizen X
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congrats guys.
09-21-2002, 04:58 AM
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Congragulations to you both, so EC the whip has been put on the shelf for a while 
09-21-2002, 10:37 AM
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Queen Bish
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Congratulations to you both! Enjoy sleeping in while you still can! LOL
Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
09-21-2002, 01:48 PM
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Originally posted by Shann
Congratulations to you both! Enjoy sleeping in while you still can! LOL
 too true! I mentioned that my daughter is now 11; but failed to mention that most nights she STILL finds one reason or another to get me up in the middle of the night.
As for sleeping in, I believe the last time I actually did that was sometime in 1987, after some very hard partying long into the wee hours. These days, even when the once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity comes along, my internal clock seems to be permanently stuck at "wake up before 8:00 AM." Damn! My husband and kid aren't burdened by anything even remotely similar... they'd sleep all day if I let them!
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