Okay i start off ,
I was 18 i bought a 1987 VW Fox
It was the biggest lemon in the world !! I was so Stoopid when i bought the car it was dead cold winter in edmonton and when i went to look at it the car was already started up and pre warmed. Fuk never by a used car when its already have been started up ALWAYS lift the hood check if the engine is kind of heated before u even start the car. I didn't do that my idiot boyfriend at that time was a mechanic too / He said it was a good car !! That car was the biggest piece of shit i ever encountered in my life....
Oh another scam story i was selling a 89 civic when i was 21 yrs old by myself little ol Girl me alone there was 4 east indian guys they Somehow stole my Brand New Cell Phone and they didn't even buy my car DAMN IT!!! girls never buy or sell your car ALONE EVER !!!