09-12-2002, 05:44 PM
Evil Chris
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Do you snore?
LOL... well maybe you don't even know you do...
I am told that I snore a little bit...
and the dogs snore too.
When my father comes over, he has to sleep in the basement or else he'll keep everyone up. He's that loud. It's unbelievable that he doesn't wake himself up every 5 minutes....
09-12-2002, 05:55 PM
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Box Stuffer
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Shoot man,
Do I snore??
Dont know, I am sleeping. And if I am sleeping I dont care if I snore.
Im sure I blow out a couple beer farts too, but I guess thats bonus.
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09-12-2002, 05:58 PM
Evil Chris
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Bob... welcome to xnations brutha!
I hear you keep LAJ up every night with that chainsaw snore of yours!!! 
09-12-2002, 06:03 PM
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Well hello Bob! Welcome to Xnations! 
09-12-2002, 06:05 PM
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Re: Do you snore?
Originally posted by Evil Chris
LOL... well maybe you don't even know you do...
I am told that I snore a little bit...
and the dogs snore too.
Yes, I'm sorry babe, but some nights your snore like a god damn chain saw...lol
The dogs, well I won't even go there...Between the three of you guys I wonder how I get any sleep! 
09-12-2002, 06:14 PM
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only when I have a cold or my allergies are really kickin my ass. 
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09-12-2002, 06:21 PM
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I keep LAJ up with my chainsaw snore??
shoot, sorry LAJ!
but that is better than what he keeps me up with all night
great board Chris!!!
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09-12-2002, 06:46 PM
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I've been told I snore only when I've been drinking. So I guess that I usually snore then.
When I was in the military, I always got stuck next to the person that snored. Some people are so loud, I don't understand how they don't wake themselves up. I've actaully slept with ear plugs in and STILL heard the person snoring!
09-12-2002, 09:14 PM
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Box Stuffer
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I hear I only snore after I drink too.....
or is it I only drink after I snore???
either way, Im drinking, sleeping, and cant hear me snoring
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09-12-2002, 09:46 PM
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Queen Bish
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I snore when I drink I've been told, but then I'm passed out and I could care less! LOL
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09-12-2002, 10:50 PM
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My husband says I snore, but I mustn't do it very much, seein' as how I almost never get a full night's sleep due to HIS snoring. I roll him over, kick him, wake him up and nothing helps. The man sleeps better than anyone I know (and I'm sooooo jealous!). Poor bastard's tried those sticky strips across his nose, drops and now some homeopathic spray, but we've yet to find something that will work... and I don't know how long it takes for sleep deprivation to trigger psychosis, but I think I'm pretty close.
Fortunately, our guest room is almost finished being remodeled, so at least soon I'll have a nice quiet room to retire to on the really bad nights. I don't get nearly enough sleep as it is, and this waking up every 2 hours or so is killin' me!
09-12-2002, 11:01 PM
Evil Chris
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Originally posted by Rox
My husband says I snore, but I mustn't do it very much, seein' as how I almost never get a full night's sleep due to HIS snoring. I roll him over, kick him, wake him up and nothing helps. The man sleeps better than anyone I know (and I'm sooooo jealous!). Poor bastard's tried those sticky strips across his nose, drops and now some homeopathic spray, but we've yet to find something that will work... and I don't know how long it takes for sleep deprivation to trigger psychosis, but I think I'm pretty close.
Rox have you heard of anyone who has had success with those nose strips? I haven't... Something tells me it's mostly a gimmick?
09-12-2002, 11:09 PM
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Citizen X
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I hear those strips don't really work. I could be wrong. 
09-12-2002, 11:19 PM
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No one I know has had any success with the strips. And I felt so bad having to watch Rob rip that thing off his face in the morning, it looked SO painful. The homeopathic spray we're trying now was recommended by one of the guys I work with -- he (and his fiancee) swear it cured him. We just got it from our chiropractor last week, and I'm REALLY hoping it'll finally work.
It's terrible to say, but if we can't find a way to stop his snoring, chances are I'll be heading to the guest room every night when it wakes me up. I love the man more than life, but I'm losing so much sleep that it's not healthy (not to mention it makes me one cranky bitch!). And it's beyond difficult to sit and code all day after less than 6 hours' sleep, in 1 1/2 hour increments!
I just wish I could sleep like he does... I swear, he could sleep through a locomotive driving right through the bedroom. It's annoying! LOL
09-13-2002, 12:00 AM
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Damn Rox...sounds like you need to go get some sleep! hehehe
Yeah, I haven't heard anyone say that those strips work. What about hypnosis? 
09-13-2002, 10:50 AM
Evil Chris
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You'd have to believe hypnosis is even possible in the first place I would think. I'm kinda skeptical about it...
Rox... your husband sounds exactly like what my Dad (and his Dad before him) is like. They can fall asleep literally anywhere too. I remember when I was a kid, my grandfather would be sitting forward with his chin in his palm watching TV with us, and he would just doze off. The position he was in looked like he was wide awake and alert. Then he'd start snoring...
Too bad in those days there weren't a lot of video cameras...
09-13-2002, 10:59 AM
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Rox have you heard of anyone who has had success with those nose strips? I haven't... Something tells me it's mostly a gimmick?
yeah they work, they hold the nose down forcing the nostrils to open up, that's why 99% of football players wear them, it helps them keep their sinuses open so they can breathe
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09-13-2002, 11:10 AM
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Yeah, I think hypnosis a bunch of bs too. Anyone ever been hypnotized?
09-13-2002, 11:18 AM
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Too bad in those days there weren't a lot of video cameras...
I shot some video one morning, when I first got my DV cam... walking around the house REALLY early (still dark), showing why it is I don't get enough sleep. Between the old man's snoring and the fucking parakeet screeching, only a deaf person (or those lucky bastards like my husband who can sleep through a train wreck) would be able to snooze through it all.
I think I digitized it, but I'll have to look through my files on the server at work. If I find it I'll post a link!
Meanwhile, check out my exclusive footage of Asia Carrera at a personal appearance here in LA a couple months ago: Click Here! If you change the last subdirectory to "pix" there are a few still shots too.
The "killa" movies are of Asia signing a softball team shirt from last year. The guys in my department all play Unreal Tournament, and like nearly every man (and geek), are big fans of Asia's.
09-16-2002, 10:46 AM
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Well, I hadn't captured & digitized the snoring video at work... but I did it last night here at home. The video turned out mostly black because I didn't know how to use the Night Shot feature. So, I encoded the file as audio only. When I was working on it, my husband came by and asked, "Oh my god, is that me?" And then he couldn't stop laughing (the bastard!)! Take a listen and you'll see why I don't get enough sleep (and as Rob says, "Now I see why on some days you're such an angry, testy old bitch."). Welcome to my nightmare!
09-16-2002, 11:00 AM
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Xited Frenchy
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I was told that i don't snore but i talk!!! one day, my girlfriend taped what i was saying and it was pretty weird!!!
ps: that's my 100st post!!!! wooohhooooooo
09-16-2002, 11:49 AM
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Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm one of them damned people that can fall asleep nearly anywhere I can put my head down. And trains through the bedroom...?? Not a problem. I snore like crazy too. :-(
I have a touch of Sleep Apnea. My Dad has it also. He's gotten to the point where he has to wear a CPap--a little mask that forces air down him when he sleeps. People like mysefl (and Dad) can fall asleep quickly, often snore VERY loud, and are nearly always tired. We quit breathing while we're asleep, making for a very restless night.
Though a CPap is prolly in my future, for now though I have a prescription for "Nasonex" which is a nose spray that helps to open up my air-ways, knocking down the snoring (much the the relief of Spider) and helps me get a more restful nights sleep.  )
So--listen to him and if he stops breathing during the night, and/or wants to fall asleep while driving or doing some mundane task, I would recommend a sleep doctor. (I finally went to see a doc when I had a dream that I died. And I don't mean that I woke up right before death--I actually dreamed that I DID die--and stayed in that dream for a few minutes afterwards too. Scared me right into a doctors office!!!
Lady Sharlot :-)
09-16-2002, 01:42 PM
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I dont snore, I do however talk up a storm in my sleep,
Ive held full conversations with the other person and I honestly
dont remember anything that was talked about, I even look the person right in the eyes.

09-16-2002, 02:08 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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What an interesting topic!!!
I only snore when I have been drinking and smoking heavily, when my allregies act up or if I am sick....
That being said I do live with someone who snores like crazy! I have some tips to get them to stop too!
If your ummmm significant other is snoring, GENTLY nudge them (not off the bed, despite how tempting it can be hehe) and tell them to roll over of their side. You dont snore while laying on your side, cause your airway is not blocked. You typically snore because your airway is blocked when your laying on your back and your head is on a pillow or two causing your head to lean forward.
As for the nose strips....they do work if your snoring is caused by your nose being stuffed up. If that isnt the reason your snoring, they wont work.
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09-16-2002, 02:08 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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What an interesting topic!!!
I only snore when I have been drinking and smoking heavily, when my allregies act up or if I am sick....
That being said I do live with someone who snores like crazy! I have some tips to get them to stop too!
If your ummmm significant other is snoring, GENTLY nudge them (not off the bed, despite how tempting it can be hehe) and tell them to roll over of their side. You dont snore while laying on your side, cause your airway is not blocked. You typically snore because your airway is blocked when your laying on your back and your head is on a pillow or two causing your head to lean forward.
As for the nose strips....they do work if your snoring is caused by your nose being stuffed up. If that isnt the reason your snoring, they wont work.
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09-16-2002, 06:48 PM
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I talk up a storm too, I'm told... entire conversations...
Twinkley, I've tried rolling him over -- unless he's all the way on his stomach, he still snores at least as loud. And for some reason, he never stays on his stomach long enough for me to get back to sleep! Doh!
09-16-2002, 08:19 PM
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your head in my bag
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damn, this snoring thread has everyone giving their two cents.
maybe it's interesting.
maybe there's a niche here...
snoringsluts.com - naked girls caught on video, snoring loud as six drunken lumberjacks.
09-16-2002, 08:44 PM
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Citizen X
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Like a fucking mad man I snore!

09-16-2002, 09:19 PM
Evil Chris
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Originally posted by gunner
damn, this snoring thread has everyone giving their two cents.
maybe it's interesting.
maybe there's a niche here...
snoringsluts.com - naked girls caught on video, snoring loud as six drunken lumberjacks.
Oh yeah baby... snore... oh YEAH>> ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz YEEEAHHH!!!!

09-17-2002, 10:06 AM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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I feel your pain.... believe me.... I really do....
I have one of those too!
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