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Old 03-07-2003, 12:19 PM   #1
Thor should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: dk
Posts: 21
xBucks: 2,009
Smile Need More Traffic ?

Think about it this way - say you have a small site getting 1000 hits a day.
Let's then say 200 of them ended up liking your banners and go to your sponsor.
Goody that's what we want right? Well part of it, what about the other 800 surfers
that were there? Where the hell did they go?
If you didn't have a , you have just lost a lot of good
fresh traffic back to your site. Let's take a look first at the 1000 hits to our site.
That would have earned us credits for our banner to be shown in the system.
BUT we are going to maximize those 1000 hits into hopefully 5000-10000 credits minimum.
How you ask? Most free sites have an average of 20 pictures, if you did your homework,
each of those pics should be on their own html page. Guess what else is going to be on
those html pages? Our code!
. SO now you see what just happened? Johnny surfer came into your site and looked at
about 10 pics. You just earned yourself 10 credits for one surfer. Multiply that by 1000 and
you are looking good my friend.
join now to get your part of the free traffic
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