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Old 03-22-2003, 11:37 AM   #1
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Question Rape, incest, pissing, fisting...

I read this article: http://www.allforyou.com/adult/sarah...down-trap.html

according to this, rape, incest, pissing, fisting, and other forms of extreme fetish are illegal.

is it really illegal or is it legal to use content that's "fake rape", "fake incest", etc. and illegal to use content that's real..?

if it is illegal, then why are there so many sites using such content? you can just search google and get access to tons of free sites..

are there any webmasters here with sites that have extreme fetish like this? i was really surprised when i read the article and saw that pissing and fisting was illegal coz i know a lot promoting such sites...
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Old 03-22-2003, 12:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: Rape, incest, pissing, fisting...

Originally posted by fish
I read this article: http://www.allforyou.com/adult/sarah...down-trap.html

according to this, rape, incest, pissing, fisting, and other forms of extreme fetish are illegal.

is it really illegal or is it legal to use content that's "fake rape", "fake incest", etc. and illegal to use content that's real..?

if it is illegal, then why are there so many sites using such content? you can just search google and get access to tons of free sites..

are there any webmasters here with sites that have extreme fetish like this? i was really surprised when i read the article and saw that pissing and fisting was illegal coz i know a lot promoting such sites...
I would imagine that "legally" this is pretty much determined by your "community standards".

I personally would NEVER touch rape or incest. Even the mere mention of it will make the authorities shudder and delve deeper.

Either of those two words alone would probably give the authorities "just cause" in getting a search warrant and seizing your computers and anything to do with it.

I wouldn't want the hassle.

Is the money worth it? Perhaps, but I'll never know. I learned a lesson when I was about 2 years old that still sticks with me to this day- "Don't play with fire!".
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Old 03-22-2003, 01:48 PM   #3
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In the US, peeing, fisting, and extreme fetish fall under the Obscenity law. The problem being that what can be perceived in one jurisdiction as obscene may not be perceived as such in another jurisdiction.

Here are some sites you can read and determine what is illegal and what isn't and how to protect yourself.

Adult Web Law

Adult Site Law

CozyFrog legal articles

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Old 03-22-2003, 02:13 PM   #4
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Anything to do with Rape, incest & bestiality is something I stay VERY far away from. I don't even bother to find out if it's real or not...It's not something I would endorse. Personnaly it makes me sick and I have a hard time understanding how someone could get off on it.

There are limits and plenty of kinky stuff you can do without crossing that very fine line, but hey, that's just my opinion!
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Old 03-22-2003, 07:13 PM   #5
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well if it is illegal, as you say, then why are there so many sponsors and websites currently running on the web?
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Old 03-22-2003, 07:55 PM   #6
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Originally posted by fish
well if it is illegal, as you say, then why are there so many sponsors and websites currently running on the web?
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Old 03-22-2003, 09:24 PM   #7
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Originally posted by fish
well if it is illegal, as you say, then why are there so many sponsors and websites currently running on the web?
One thing to keep in mind, it may not be illegal in the country they are based in. I think even thehun has a beasty gallery every now and then, I know I have seen them on ws too.
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Old 03-22-2003, 09:58 PM   #8
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I don't like any of that stuff... wouldn't promote any of that stuff.

Legality is no issue for me... doesn't matter.

Morality does.
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Old 03-22-2003, 11:54 PM   #9
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Do whatever you feel you'll be able to sleep at night with.. and perhaps check into the laws first to make sure you aren't sleeping soundly in a cell. If you live in north america, and aren't hosting offshore and aren't incorporated offshore, then you probably want to avoid these things. One would think.
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Old 03-23-2003, 11:37 AM   #10
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In the United States, a person can be prosecuted under the Obscenity law regardless of where they are, where their servers are, and where the pics are.

If someone stumbles upon your site and views your free pics as obscene, they can file charges against you. You will be prosecuted in the jurisdiction of where the offense took place regardless of where your content was supplied from.

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Old 03-23-2003, 01:11 PM   #11
Mister X
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In Canada the portrayal of rape or sexual assault is definitely against the law. It doesn't even matter if it's "real" or simulated. I don't think there are any specific laws on incest but I might be wrong. Certainly most of that shit is covered by the child porn laws. Not 100% sure about pissing but I think it's ok. And no idea about beasty shit either. Fisting... dunno... but I know it's considered obscene in a lot of the US.

As has been stated before when it comes to US laws you have to go by a lowest common denominator type of standard. It really doesn't matter where your servers are located, as has been demonstrated several times by an ambitious prosecutor in the bible belt charging a site in Florida or somewhere. Under US law they can prosecute people with sites and servers built in another country too. Although I personally wouldn't be too worried about that if what you have is legal where you live.
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Old 03-24-2003, 01:24 AM   #12
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well thanks for the replies guys..
at least i got a better understanding of the law..
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Old 03-24-2003, 05:01 AM   #13
the New Shemp
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when the law comes to your door, you can always say "well, other people do it"
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Old 03-24-2003, 11:47 AM   #14
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Originally posted by the New Shemp
when the law comes to your door, you can always say "well, other people do it"

Tried it. Doesn't work

Welcome to the board Shemp.
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Old 03-24-2003, 01:41 PM   #15
the New Shemp
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Originally posted by Ronaldo

Tried it. Doesn't work

Welcome to the board Shemp.
thanks, nice to see you here
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Old 03-24-2003, 07:15 PM   #16
StacyCat should edit this
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Originally posted by the New Shemp
when the law comes to your door, you can always say "well, other people do it"
ACtually, that might be a semi valid excuse. A few first amendment attourneys say that you should go down to the local porn store, purchase a magazine and / or video that shows your same "type" of content, and one of the most extreme that you can find, get a recipt with a date on it, and staple it to the bag.

It might be hard to defend against the community standard of obscenity without the "community standard." This would show what the prevailing community standard was at the time the content was made.

Some states are very specific on their obscenity laws, some arent. Some prosecuters are more likely to prosecute, some arent.

But, to mention, penthouse puts out a literary collection of incest erotica. It cant be obscene if its artistic
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