Ok, "Xnic" was the only way to it an X into "ETHNIC"
Ok, nevermind.
http://bootybone.com/tgp/index.html My little TGP is looking for some galleries to fill 'er up. I just switched to that Thumbnail Preview layout.
I'm hoping to eventually do about 60 - 80 thumbs on the front page in groups of 20 or so, per niche. Also I'm hoping to get better quality thumbs, better than the crap I got now. LOL So if you got ethnic galleries, submit 'em.
I have a high submit security (meaning you basically just have to type in that text code thing) but that's to encourage serious submitters only. I plan on trading traffic with just a select few, and I hope to keep my traffic as clean as possible. Very Very few blind links, mostly bookmarkers. (quality over quantity, ala Stylos)
You can submit here.
Ethnic galleries will get top billing over general galleries, (actually I'm kinda hoping to keep it ethnic only)
