09-23-2002, 04:02 PM
Evil Chris
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Greatest sports moment of all time
What, in your opinion, is the greatest sports moment of all time?
For me I guess it would have to be Paul Henderson's goal in the last game of the Canada/Soviet Summit Series in 1972. He scored it with 34 seconds left in the game, and Canada won the series with 4 wins, 3 losses, and one tie.
09-23-2002, 04:10 PM
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I would personally have to say the entire NY-AZ world series last year. By far the best world series of all time.
You could probably appreciate the 1980 US Hockey team(huge underdogs who stormed to the gold by beating USSR).
To many more to mention....
09-23-2002, 04:18 PM
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I'd have to go with the 1980 US Hockey team getting the gold over the Ruskies. I was 13 at the time and even then I knew how much of a big deal it was. Having grown up in Detroit though, personally, it was the Tigers over the Padres in '84!! Senior year in High School and just starting to get my partying down to a science! lol
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09-24-2002, 11:57 AM
Evil Chris
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oh I knew that 1980 gold medal for the US would come out!
How about the Toronto Blue Jays winning back to back World Series in the early 90s? 
09-24-2002, 12:01 PM
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Xited Frenchy
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I would say when French Soccer Team won the 1998 World Cup but we have such a bunch of wanckers now... i'm so ashamed!!!

09-24-2002, 12:15 PM
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09-24-2002, 01:06 PM
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The "agony of defeat" skiier in ABCs Wide World of Sports. Remember that guy who tumbled down the jump and bounced all over the place? I think I saw that every weekend on TV as a kid...
09-24-2002, 02:53 PM
Vid Vicious
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Mine would be .. Myself and Doug fluttie throwin' the ball around in front of the sky dom ... I went long and the wind took the ball, an dropped it on the gardner express way .. (Plastic ball)
09-24-2002, 05:30 PM
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Right now it would have to be being in Miami last Sunday, in Pro Player Stadium, drunk as hell, and watching the Dolphin kick the crap out of the Jets for the 1st time in 4 years!!!
09-24-2002, 08:46 PM
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well, that would have to be in a few months when I kick everyones buttocks in the fantasy hockey league...
Anyone seen my life?
If you make fun of my age... I'll hit you with my cane.
09-24-2002, 09:02 PM
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Mike tyson biting Evander's ear off....... haha... Really, it was the Denver Broncos beating the Greenbay Packers to give John Elway the Superbowl Victory he worked so hard to get.... 
09-25-2002, 12:56 AM
Evil Chris
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Wow I really thought I would get some stuff in here like... Joe Nameth's guaranteed win in Superbowl 1 (or was it 2?)... or stuff like that!
Now, I take nothing away from seeing a little one play rugby! That's GOT to be an amazing feeling as well! I was just thinking about some major pro sporting event that you'll always remember seeing...
09-25-2002, 01:27 AM
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In my lifetime, probably the 1980 US hockey gold over the Russians.
Aside from that, as a Boston sports fan I'd also have to include (although they all pre-date me):
-Bobby Orr's Stanley Cup winning goal vs. St. Louis in 1970, immortalized as what every Boston pro-hockey fan knows simply as "The Goal"
-Pudge Fisk waving his game-winning run home in Game 6 of the 1975 World Series
-Johnny Havlicek stealing the ball in the 1975 Eastern Conference Finals
Henderson's goal in the 1972 Summit Series would also make my list of great moments.
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09-25-2002, 05:00 AM
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Wow I really thought I would get some stuff in here like... Joe Nameth's guaranteed win in Superbowl 1 (or was it 2?)... or stuff like that!
Now, I take nothing away from seeing a little one play rugby! That's GOT to be an amazing feeling as well! I was just thinking about some major pro sporting event that you'll always remember seeing...
That's one of the things I have always loved about you and Fun', Chris is your ability to see the other side of the coin.
Your board is a breath of fresh air in a sometimes stale sea of message boards
I wld have to say one of my greatest sporting moments on an internaltional scale wld be watching Muhammed Ali float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. 
09-25-2002, 12:04 PM
Evil Chris
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Originally posted by firehorse
That's one of the things I have always loved about you and Fun', Chris is your ability to see the other side of the coin.
Your board is a breath of fresh air in a sometimes stale sea of message boards
I wld have to say one of my greatest sporting moments on an internaltional scale wld be watching Muhammed Ali float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.
Thanks Firehorse! Too kind!
Muhammed Ali... yes... now there is one I almost put down myself! I remember watching him re-gain his championship belt from Joe Foreman in 1973 in Zaire. What a great moment!
09-25-2002, 05:28 PM
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you guys are way too old
I enjoyed the 93 stanley cup by the canadiens a whole lot.
11 wins in overtime!!
Patrick Roy was the king baby!!
Beating Boston last year was nice too
sucks to be a Toronto fan eh??
24 stanley cup!! Yeah!
09-25-2002, 06:46 PM
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1966 -- The Super Bowl is invented
As Lamar Hunt was in his office thinking of a name for the new championship game to be played between the NFL and AFL, his thought process was interrupted by his daughter.
She was playing with a new toy, a ball that bounced more than your average one. It had a super bounce. It's name was the Super Ball.
Super Ball. Super Bowl. Lamar Hunt had his name.
It's went on from there. The Super Bowl is so American in nature, so natural a fit. It's grown incredibly big. It's easy to forget that the first two Super Bowls didn't sell out and that the normal, three-hour pregame hype expected today was virtually non-existent when the Green Bay Packers met the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl I.
Only a few of the 33 Super Bowls stand out as great games. More memorable are several playoff games to reach the coveted event. Still, the Super Bowl has become an icon of American sporting events.
09-25-2002, 07:55 PM
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O.k I got one... Watching Ben johnson winning the gold in the 100 meters and getting stripped of it for Steriods! 
09-25-2002, 11:37 PM
Evil Chris
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Originally posted by trafficcashman
O.k I got one... Watching Ben johnson winning the gold in the 100 meters and getting stripped of it for Steriods!
Yeah I remember that one BT.... that pissed me off!
Dr. Guile.... Although I am indeed a Leafs fan, I will always cheers for the Habs. I was downtown the night they beat LA to win the cup in 1993. What a riot! 
09-25-2002, 11:46 PM
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Well, its not exactly a sports moment but in last year's Superbowl when U@ was playing and they projected all the victim's of Sept. 11 on the back drop and then projected it all over the Superdome, ceiling, the crowd, everything. I thought that was a pretty cool site. Wish I could have been in there to see it in person.
09-25-2002, 11:48 PM
Evil Chris
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Yeah I watched that too..... and the special performance by U2 was amazing...
09-25-2002, 11:49 PM
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For sure, I had a girlfriend that begged me to take her to their show in New Orleans a couple years ago. After the show, I was glad I did cause they put on an awesome show.
09-26-2002, 01:01 AM
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Ray Bourque Finally Holding Lord Stanleys Cup Over His Head After Like 22 Years Of Blood Sweat And Tears........ I kind of wish he had done it with Boston, but im still happy for the guy 
09-26-2002, 01:27 AM
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Originally posted by wired4porn
Ray Bourque Finally Holding Lord Stanleys Cup Over His Head After Like 22 Years Of Blood Sweat And Tears........ I kind of wish he had done it with Boston, but im still happy for the guy
I'm sort of torn on the whole Ray Bourque saga. Of course, I'm happy that he won the Cup - it would be impossible not to be happy for him. Bringing the Cup back to Boston, though, for that rally in Gov't Center, was a bit like pouring lemon juice onto a paper cut IMO.
Growing up as a Bruins fan in the 80s and 90s, one of the things that made Ray great was that he stuck with the B's, even though he could have gone elsewhere - for a Cup or even just for more money (although the Bruins paid him very well, despite their miserly reputation). In my mind, he sort of tarnished himself by leaving (and having the nerve to say, after he'd retired, that he'd "always be a Bruin"). There aren't too many players that stayed with one team throughout a career that long. Ray may have won the Cup, but he gave up the legacy that he spent 20 years building.
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<font size=1>"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." - H.G. Wells
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09-26-2002, 01:51 AM
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Originally posted by spudnik
I'm sort of torn on the whole Ray Bourque saga. Of course, I'm happy that he won the Cup - it would be impossible not to be happy for him. Bringing the Cup back to Boston, though, for that rally in Gov't Center, was a bit like pouring lemon juice onto a paper cut IMO.
Growing up as a Bruins fan in the 80s and 90s, one of the things that made Ray great was that he stuck with the B's, even though he could have gone elsewhere - for a Cup or even just for more money (although the Bruins paid him very well, despite their miserly reputation). In my mind, he sort of tarnished himself by leaving (and having the nerve to say, after he'd retired, that he'd "always be a Bruin"). There aren't too many players that stayed with one team throughout a career that long. Ray may have won the Cup, but he gave up the legacy that he spent 20 years building.
Very Well Said spudnik, I couldn't agree with you more..... I guess in the end it would have been better if he could have said, I fought for 22 years to get that cup, I never got it, but hey, at least i didnt give up on my tride and true fans Or my team.....
I guess in reality, who wouldn't want to be traded to a stacked team for a better chance at the cup........Look at the Redwings of last year and Dominick Hasek.
09-26-2002, 09:25 AM
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Originally posted by wired4porn Very Well Said spudnik, I couldn't agree with you more.....
You're the very first Bruins fan that's agreed with me on this.  I usually get a lot of flack for not having heart. The argument generally goes something like this - "Ray gave 20 good years to Boston and what did they give to him? Nothing. He DESERVED to win."
First off, no one player deserves to win anything. One of the problems that plagues professional sports today is that players feel an individual claim to team rewards. Of course they'd all like to win the Cup/Superbowl/World Series/etc. but no individual player *deserves* it. Yeah, it's great that Bourque finally won the ultimate prize, but it doesn't make him a better player. Would anybody have respected him less if he'd never won it?
Yeah, Ray gave 20 good years to Boston. In return, he was very well-compensated, extraordinarily well-respected by his peers within the hockey community, and given the undying, unquestioned, and absolute loyalty and adoration of the City of Boston and Bruindom in general. I'd say he made out pretty well. We, the fans, gave 20 good years to Ray Bourque. And we got shafted in the end.
Sorry to bring this thread off-topic (again), but I needed to vent. As you can probably tell, this is still a sore spot for me. 
ICQ: 75969933
<font size=1>"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." - H.G. Wells
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