Man loses false leg on rollercoaster. - X Nations
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Old 08-16-2003, 12:37 AM   #1
Board Voyeur
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Default Man loses false leg on rollercoaster.

Staff at Universal Studios theme park in Florida are hunting for a man's false leg after it flew off as he rode a rollercoaster.

Hawley Webb alerted workers after riding on one of the 55mph Dueling Dragons rides in the Lost Continent section of the Islands of Adventure park, Orlando.

A spokesman for Universal Studios says Mr Webb's prosthetic leg may have fallen into a pond under the ride, which has a height of 125 feet.

The theme park has sent divers into the pond, but the leg has not been found.

Universal Studios says it will replace the leg if divers can't find it, reports local 6.

Which leads interestingly enough to this joke

Harry was sensitive about his wooden leg and afraid no woman would have him. He was delighted when he found a young woman who accepted his proposal of marriage. He couldn't bring himself to tell his fiancée about his leg when he slipped the ring on her finger, nor when she bought the dress, nor when they picked the time and place. All he kept saying was, "Darling, I've got a big surprise for you," at which she blushed and smiled bewitchingly.

The wedding night came and went, and the young couple was at last alone in their hotel room. "Now don't forget, Harry, you promised me a big surprise," said the bride.

Unable to say a word, Harry turned out the lights, unstrapped his wooden leg, slipped into bed, and placed his wife's hand on the stump.

"Hmmmmm," she said softly, "that is a surprise. But pass me the Vaseline and I'll see what I can do!"
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Old 08-16-2003, 01:42 AM   #2
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Default Re: Man loses false leg on rollercoaster.

Originally posted by Board Voyeur

Staff at Universal Studios theme park in Florida are hunting for a man's false leg after it flew off as he rode a rollercoaster.

Hawley Webb alerted workers after riding on one of the 55mph Dueling Dragons rides in the Lost Continent section of the Islands of Adventure park, Orlando.

A spokesman for Universal Studios says Mr Webb's prosthetic leg may have fallen into a pond under the ride, which has a height of 125 feet.

The theme park has sent divers into the pond, but the leg has not been found.

Universal Studios says it will replace the leg if divers can't find it, reports local 6.

That is sooo funny...In a sad way... Poor guy has to scoot all the way home on his (_(_)

I would kinda love to see that
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Old 08-16-2003, 05:24 AM   #3
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Default Re: Man loses false leg on rollercoaster.

Originally posted by Board Voyeur

"Hmmmmm," she said softly, "that is a surprise. But pass me the Vaseline and I'll see what I can do!"


He He.. Am i the only one getting asosiations to this one
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