09-27-2002, 08:02 PM
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Official Xnations Mascot
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free sites and link lists
how many link sites do you submit your free sites to?
which ones? greenguy? richardsrealm? etc.
how many hits do they send you free sites while you're on the newsites page?
i really need help on this... 
09-27-2002, 10:44 PM
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Don't really do much free sites, tgp, or anything.
Can anyone else can help out?
09-27-2002, 11:21 PM
Evil Chris
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I've made a few free sites... mainly just for fun and to see how they would do.
I have found that you must follow all rules to a T, and make your sites very clean if you expect to have them listed. All of those places and more will accept you, maybe not 100% of the time, though.
09-28-2002, 12:06 AM
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One of the good guys
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I submit my free sites to about 150 link sites. I don't pay attention to stats, because I don't care, so I have no idea how much traffic they send.
Every little bit helps I always say
09-28-2002, 12:09 AM
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I have been denied by about 10-15 of them for stupid reasons, like they want their recip above the enter button, so I just eliminate them from my submit list
09-28-2002, 01:23 AM
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Official Xnations Mascot
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well right now i submit to around 50 or so and i follow all the rules so i always get accepted.
but it seems like they aren't sending so many hits to my site.
so i'm guessing i'm submitting to the wrong ones.
the biggest hitters so far are richardsrealm,link-o-rama,persiankitty(as expected)
i was just wondering if there are any more you can suggest?
09-28-2002, 01:52 AM
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One of the good guys
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Originally posted by fish
well right now i submit to around 50 or so and i follow all the rules so i always get accepted.
my first suggestion would be to stop creating sites that will get you listed and start concentrating on making sites that will get you signups.
If you start trying to abide by every wannabe player's rules you will never make a sale, although you may use up loads of b/w.
Rather than turn over my database to you, let me give you a couple places to look:
these will give you some good leads
09-28-2002, 01:55 AM
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Official Xnations Mascot
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well if my site doesn't get accepted, i won't make sales as well so i guess i have to focus on both..
thanks for the info, but i was hoping of getting a more detailed list, including average hits per site.. 
09-28-2002, 02:04 AM
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when I say I don't pay attention to stats, I mean I do not pay ANY attention to stats. I do not use counters, and I may look at my signups once every 2-3 months.
As far as designing sites to meet the standards of every link list or TGP you are wasting a lot of time. There are certain standards that are accepted by a majority of the sites out there. But when some no name site insists on you putting their recip above the enter button, and sites like Green Guy's or Rixhard's-Realm don't, then I just stop submitting my quality site to the pissant wannabe that might send me 5 hits.
09-28-2002, 03:01 AM
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Official Xnations Mascot
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my point as well..
there's this link site(i won't mention the name/domain) that insists that his recip be listed toghether with greenguy's and richardsrealm's recips.. he always rejects any that doesn't follow his rules..
it's like he's being so demanding that he doesn't understand that the more he "begs" like this, just the more he's showing how desperate he is for hits himself...
here's a sample free site of mine: http://www.fishfusion-x.com/jasmine/
this is one of my firsts and i submitted it to 5 link sites, and it got accepted but i don't have any idea how many hits it got since i don't have a counter. but i believe the design is pretty standard. i got a few signups after it got listed so i'm guessing it came from this free site..
if any other guys here can suggest other link sites, please don't hesitate to post your own list..
09-28-2002, 03:11 AM
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One of the good guys
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While I have seen sites that state their preference to be listed with the "big boys" I have not noticed any that insist on being listed with them in order to get listed.
Here are a couple examples of my free sites, and I have no problems getting listed with just about anyone.
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