NEW: Ultimate Movie Site with Hosted Movie Galleries - X Nations
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Old 05-01-2004, 07:10 PM   #1
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Default NEW: Ultimate Movie Site with Hosted Movie Galleries

Porn DVD Dollars
Members pay a monthly fee and get unlimited movie downloads. They can download clips or the entire movie! New movies are added often (soon to be one movie added per day).
Click here to check it out.

The team behind has launched a new program. Now you can send surfers to a movie site that will convert great and retain members. It retains great because monthly paying members get unlimited access to all movies! The site has been tested extensively and it converts great on all traffic. Not only can you make money selling memberships, but you can make money by designing galleries, banners, and full page ads for us!

How you get paid
You have two options and at any time, you can switch between 50% recurring ($14.97) or 100% pay per sale (29.95). We pay weekly.

5% webmaster referrals - make 5% of ALL of your referral's income!

Affiliates get paid on all possible ways we take payments:
Credit Cards
100% of Dialer Rev
Recurring phone billing
Mail-in orders
Euro Debit
Asian debit cards

Over 200 full length movies are easy to sell, especially when new ones are added often.
Hosted Movie Galleries: We have 1000's of hosted movie galleries, more are added constantly. We have the galleries seperated by niche, and you can get a text file listing all galleries so you can easily add it to your existing TGP.
We have an arsenal of banners for you to use to promote each movie.
Every movie gets it's own tour. You can link to any of the thousands of pages on the site. Link to a movie, a niche, a porn star, etc. We also have the entire list of Movies and entire list of porn stars so you can easily add links from your existing porn star sites.

We have hundreds of movies and more are added all the time. Our designers are swamped so we need your help! Banners, galleries, and FPAs are needed. You can make up to $15 per gallery or FPA that you design. Sign up for PornDVDDollars and you'll see the link to submit under the hosted movie galleries.

Check out the webmaster program!
Check out the site and quality of the movies here.

If you have any questions please contact me (Steve aka NinjaSteve)
Email: steve (AT)
ICQ: 69336205
Phone: 612-435-1819
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