ARS Rewards Store is OPEN - X Nations
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Old 05-04-2004, 10:40 AM   #1
Amber should edit this
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Default ARS Rewards Store is OPEN


Being a webmaster is hard work. Getting paid for that hard work is great, but getting cool free stuff on top of it is even better! That is why ARS came out with the first ever Rewards Program. In addition to the payout you receive from ARS, you also receive Rewards Points. These points can be saved and redeemed for just about anything you might want. Why spend your hard-earned money on the new tv or stereo you’ve been wanting when you can use your ARS Rewards Points and never spend a cent?!

At you will find 100's of items that you can purchase with your ARS Rewards Points. To earn ARS Rewards points, sign up for any one of our programs and become an ARS publisher, for each sale that you generate you can be rewarded points. Use your free points to purchase items that are listed in the new rewards store . We have everything from computers to motor vehicles, and if we don't have an item that you are looking for, simply suggest it to the rewards store staff.

It’s a great time to be an ARS webmaster and cash in on all of the benefits that only Adult Revenue Service offers!
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