Originally posted by Feynman
Funny, but even more clever.
They are finger gloves, used in technical trades when you need not to leave fingerprints on precision surfaces. They sell for, probably, 1/10th of the price they sell them as novelty items.
I actually did the joke of offering them to co-workers several times, it was a classical lab joke, most of the time done on the students and newbies.
I see here that I lacked a good opportunity to make money! Dummy me ! But of course, in those days, I was not yet a pervert webmaster ...
On the other end of things, I used to work for a plastics company, and one of our contracts was plastic coating big brown pharmacudical bottles so that if they were dropped, the bottle would not break, or if it did break even, that the contents would not be leaked (as they often contained sulphuric acid or other corrosive substances.)
Well when the bottles were dipped into the plastic syrup, and then cured in a curing oven, if they did not turn out proper, we had to strip the coating off the bottle before it had set, and re-dip and re-cure it.
Needless to say we got very good at "rolling" the coating off the bottles with our gloves on. The resulting rolled bottle coating looked like a GIANT condom. I had a few laying around my house that were great conversation pieces. I once told somebody that I did a 4 month tour in Africa with the World Wildlife Foundation, and that we were trying to curb the elephant over-population crisis in the congo, and they were inded elephant condoms!! She was so impressed, you would not believe the peice of ass I got that night !!! Turns out she was a real animal fanatic, and she thought what I did was very noble of me!