Heaven Production continues to grow and expend. - X Nations
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Old 08-20-2004, 02:55 AM   #1
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Default Heaven Production continues to grow and expend.

As everyone know, Heaven Production was launched about 3 months ago, and it specialized in TGP and MGP gallery designs. The project turned out as a success, and we have a good and satisfied client database. Like any other company, Heaven Production must grow and expend into many different fields.

Together with our talented designers, we are heading for even more success, and adding more satisfied clients to our database. From today on, Heaven Production will be offering many different services aside from gallery designs, TGP, and MGP designs. We now do it all. gallery designs, tgps & mgps, banners, logos, graphic work, you name it, we do it. Our designers are very talented and capable of working fast and delivering orders on time. We also have an order tracking system available, which will keep you updated on how your order is going, and how close to completion it is. When you place an order, you will be giving an order id, and that id will permit you to track your order. This is another way of rewarding our clients and making life much easier.

Aside from the design works, we are also going to present you everybody with a new service from JKF Entertainments. Very soon, we will launch a service that would be able to sell webmasters SE traffic. As you have already noticed, JKF Entertainments is here for you and to help you make money anyway we can.

Want Gallery Templates That CONVERT?

View Our Portfolio

Then Hit me up on ICQ for a deal. ICQ 230380501]
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