Originally posted by monaro
Okay I looked in on one of your sites. Not sure who got the sale but what I have come to realize that I like Jordan Capri more than Tawnee. I don't know there is something about Jordan doing the lezzie dance. Kind of shows Jordan has more perkiness. Anyhow as a wm looking in on such a site makes it well known that
lightspeed holds that extra edge.
Just now wondering about the retention
based apon the monthly price being steep.
How long would the average member stay?
I guess my point here is with lightspeed being in the spotlight and its a hard toss up with the present money makers.
What advise could you offer in ways of obtaining dedicated wms to promote your program?
Don't mean to speak out of turn in asking such a reply!
Best Regards
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your response and for sharing your thoughts. I happen to be partial to Jordan myself
With respect to retention rates based on monthly memberships as opposed to trial sites: Lightspeedcash has experimented with the viability of different pricing techniques and price points over the years.
In the end, what's important is offering surfers what they are looking for. LightspeedCash sites tend to convert because of the quality of the content they provide. They have retaining power because we give members what we say we will -- quality content that's updated regularly, and good customer service.
In terms of obtaining dedicated webmasters -- well, I think applying the same mentality we do towards our surfer sites helps. LightspeedCash has had a long reputation of being one of the more helpful, down-to-earth programs out there. Our new version of LightspeedCash offers webmasters the kinds of tracking, link tools, and promo resources that webmasters need in a competitive market.
Please feel free to get in touch with me any time if you'd like to chat more about the program....that goes for everyone