10-28-2002, 03:16 PM
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Citizen X
Join Date: Aug 2002
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People ask me to post
Often times i wonder why there are so many bulletin boards and news letters and resources and messaging services and other ways to communicate with adult webmasters
and then suddenly i realize i am an internet hermit
I get online and i stay in my own little domain tinker with my projects and then go out and try to find something real world to do
People often ask me to come and post here and there and i say sure i will but never do. So evil chris asked me to post and i thought sure i guess i can post. Honeslty though i will probably never check the thread again much less check my spelling.
I dont want to be a party pooper and i certainly dont think i am (certainly my sense of self importance isnt so over developed that i think if i dont bother to post on boards the universe will come to a close)
So what is there to talk about i mean i dont want to read you other webmasters threads, shit i have 50 magazines that i havent read yet and about 30 books. Why do i even buy this crap i mean when do i have the time?
I know i should make the time but for fuck sakes im busy god damnit! You dont understand ? Hmmmm ok thats cool i mean whatever its all good. Anyway i have to go file some papers pay some bills and contemplate my next tax shelter.
Peace love and Stickyness . . . .
10-28-2002, 03:20 PM
Evil Chris
is drinking Heineken
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For those of you who don't know him.... Pimpsticky is one of the original internet GODS.
The past few years of online stress has caused him to be confined to a psych hospital at an undisclosed location in the United States, and he has only now been granted the right to use a computer in his padded room.
I think he needs more medication, though.... 
10-28-2002, 03:50 PM
is superfantastico!
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Hey hey greetings..
wow you sound like a fun guy to have a beer with.. nice ot meet ya.
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10-28-2002, 04:54 PM
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Senior Member
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
.....I think he needs more medication, though....
Yah like a big honking bottle of JD or Vodka!
Hey PS whats shakin'? Nice to see ya around 
ICQ - 127296286
sherie at macdaddybucks dot com
10-28-2002, 05:00 PM
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Hosting Magnate Wannabe
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Sounds like pimpsticky doesn't get out much, but then again I know how he feels. Don't know how to act when I do get out. And the only place I feel at home in is a nudey bar getting a lap dance by some hot chick! 
10-28-2002, 06:41 PM
is Travelling the
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PimpSticky baby!!!!
How you been? I'm glad you joined Xnations!
See, I still have our picture...lol Can't say I don't think of you! 
10-30-2002, 02:29 PM
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Citizen X
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Hey theres photographic evidence that i exist how creepy oh well at least i am in excellent company
You guys going to the january show? We are contemplating it the last couple shows have been a bit of a wash for us though. Especially you sherie maybe you can show me how to "party like a rockstar"
BTW this feature that emails you when you get a reply is pretty cool i wouldnt have followed the thread without it, kinda neat
10-30-2002, 03:47 PM
Evil Chris
is drinking Heineken
Clone of myself
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She thinks so highly of you, she used that pic for her avatar!
Are you movin in on my girl? LOL
Of course I'll see you in January... let's crash some parties!
10-30-2002, 04:33 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Hiya PimpSticky!
Welcome to XNations cutie?
You remember me?? hehehe
I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!
Media Buyer For DatingGold!
10-31-2002, 04:17 AM
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B-B-B-B-Bad to da Bone !!
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Yo Yo Yo .... PimpDaddy Sticky IN DA HOWSE !!
Shit man .. now I got some competition for pimp of this board
Whuzaaaaaaaaap Kareem ??
When you coming back up this way to par-tay brother ?!?
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10-31-2002, 04:45 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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Hi Sticky
I know what you mean, but every now and then you have to take a break and what better place to take that break than at Xnations, sometimes you will smile, sometimes you will get pissed of at a thread, and alot of the time you will meet really nice people.
Let this not be the last post we have seen from you 
All the best
10-31-2002, 05:20 AM
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Xited Frenchy
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Welcome Pimp!!!
Dunno if u remember me and my Partner Tejano B but we had some beers at the GFY Party during the Internext in Florida!!!
C ya dude!

10-31-2002, 03:26 PM
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Not Grouchy Anymore
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Hi. Nice to virtually meet ya'. 

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