10 Reasons to use SMS billing on YOUR paysite - X Nations
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Old 12-15-2004, 10:25 AM   #1
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Default 10 Reasons to use SMS billing on YOUR paysite

10 Reasons to use SMS billing on YOUR paysite

1. Increased revenue.
The european surfers are usually 30% or more of the surfers visiting your paysite. Many europeans dont use credit cards online, however noone thinks twice before sending an SMS.

2. NO chargebacks.
When a surfer has bought access to your paysite, he cannot chargeback the transaction

3. Perfect for selling trial access.
Sell 10-15 mins SMS acccess to your paysite , show the sufer the goodies. Mix it with upselling credit card access

4. Dialers are dying.
Yes they are. Because of misuse the dialers are generally mistrusted by the surfers, and also banned in many countries

5. Charge the surfers in EURO's .
The dollar is decreasing in value compared to the strong european currencies.

6. 'Everyone' use SMS
Compared to for example credit card billing, SMS billing is very easy to use for the surfers. He just have to send an SMS to a number and within 2 minutes he recieves the login data.

7. Diversify your income.
Are you worried about visa? Will they cut you off ? Never have all your eggs in one basket

8. Get a satisfied recurring usergroup.
Since SMS is so easy to use for the surfer, a large % of the surfers will come back and buy over and over again. Of course this depends if they like your product or not. Give them something they like and you'll be successful.

9. Its here TODAY
One hundred and ninety billion SMS messages are being sent each year. Now is the time to get a piece of the action. Dont wait another year. SMS revenue is growing EVERY day, get the expertise now.

10. Free setup and no monthly fees.
We at SMSbiller.com are here to help, and will assist you with whatever setup you require.

Bjorn Andersen
ICQ 265334929
MSN ceo@smsbiller.com
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