I am seeking webmasters who are interested in offering their content to cellphone owners worldwide, at no cost to you. All I ask is that you have are willing to cross-promote this new service on your website, have compelling content, and that you currently recieve at least 1K uniques/day. In return,:
- instantly receive a new revenue-stream in a market that's set to explode!
- End users will be able to view, pay for, and enjoy your content from ANYWHERE! Work, Hotel Room, Restrooms, etc
- This will add value to your website since you will be perceived as being cutting-edge by the end-user .
- 1.5 Billion potential new customers
- Global SMS Billing in Place - You decide how much you want to charge for your pix and movies
- Cellphone owners convert better since they are already used to paying for content such as ringtones with their phone
- Results and statistics in real-time on the web
- A new adult WAP/3G portal will soon be launched whereby you make money and cross-promote your website at the same time. Expect more visitors to your website as a result…
Those interested should contact me with their contact details, together with the URL's of the website(s) in question.
Merry Christmas!
MSN & Email
ICQ 287377938