Can you send between 1-5 joins a day or more? - X Nations
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Old 12-20-2004, 11:42 AM   #1
.:St Ides:.
.:St Ides:. should edit this
Walking the Plank
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Default Can you send between 1-5 joins a day or more?

If you can send 1-5 joins or more on a constant basis i'd like to talk. ADULT MEGA CASH is on the verge of launching version 4.0 and has all new tours set for all 13 sites.

We also have new sites lined up and ready to go as well. We are now seeking webmasters that can send any type of traffic on a consistant basis to do some beta testing on our new set up.

If you are interested or would like to speak more and work out a deal please feel free to contact me at:

stides (at) adultmegacash dot com or icq at 222-422-897

AMC has been paying out since 1997 our track record speaks for itself. We're here to please whatever you need we'll get you. So just ask. Let's get to making you some money!
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