help!!! Unique template info , Unique content help needed!!! - X Nations
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Old 12-22-2004, 01:13 PM   #1
vip2005 should edit this
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Cool help!!! Unique template info , Unique content help needed!!!

hello i am going bonkers trying to find unique stuff for adult web desiging , if someone can post info for me and others which im sure have the same problem
problem 1 - adult templates = it seems every website out there has the same ol same ol templates which are basic blah... , does any one out there know of websites that have Flash templates and or intros , or just unique different templates.
forexample : link bellow there are hundreds of websites with the same templates im looking for something diffrent !!!!
adult templates

You may need to fix your link.
"The requested URL /contact.php was not found on this server."
problem 2 - are there website content providers who specialize in content with unique ethnic women such as indian/hindu etc etc , hookers , sort of like teens for cash , bang bus website etc etc.

problem 3 - is there website that have resale rights , where you can buy adult content templates , wallpaper , unique graphics content where you
can sell and use in your own web projects movie clips etc etc

thank you
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Old 12-22-2004, 03:43 PM   #2
Carol should edit this
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Problem #1 - I'd recommend you go to someone, I'd recommend WebInc, and have them create the template to your specs that will ensure it is unique.

Problem #2 - Indian is tough to come by, I'd talk to World Wide Content

Problem #3 - I don't know. Personally I'd have the materials made per your specifications (as far as the graphics and wallpapers) and hire a content person to shoot the content you are looking to resale.

It kinda sounds like you want a turn key solution for reselling, I don't know that there is such a thing. If there is I've not heard of it....this is not to imply I know and hear of everything! ;-)
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Old 12-23-2004, 01:40 PM   #3
vip2005 should edit this
Citizen X
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thanks worldwidecontent looks great but they do not offer instant downloads , the web design compnay looks okay but would prefer to find a website with licenced adult web graphics , unique wallpapers etc etc are there any out there?
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