View Poll Results: What new chat forum would you like to see?
a content providers forum
3 |
9.09% |
a designers forum
3 |
9.09% |
a hosting forum
3 |
9.09% |
a search engine forum
5 |
15.15% |
a forum not listed here (please specify)
6 |
18.18% |
nothing... no new forum
13 |
39.39% |
10-30-2002, 09:10 AM
Evil Chris
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A new Forum?
I removed the International Issues forum, simply because there just wasn't enough interest in it.
But what kind of forum, if any, would you like to see added?
10-30-2002, 11:28 AM
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generall forum is always the easisist.. its hard enough to find time to read the many different boards the way it is... let alone going to 2-5 diffeernt forums on each board... and like on some other boards.. the only people who read the spam boards are the people adding more spam...lol...
See EvilChris in Gay porn!!!
10-30-2002, 11:30 AM
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I kind of agree with Greg. When I come to xnations, I usually just go into the general forum. Only when nothing is going on I'll go check out the others.
10-30-2002, 11:31 AM
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Anna Nicole Forum would be cool. 
<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD WIDTH="550" VALIGN="top"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> H@ckers.com - ICQ: 402716<BR><BR> >> TGP Generator<I>!</I> - Build your own TGP and trade traffic instantly<I>!</I><BR> >> The Secret Weapon<I>!</I> - Convert SE Traffic Automatically<I>!</I><BR> >> Spamdex.com<I>!</I> - Fuck the White Rabbit<I>!</I>
<TD> <P ALIGN="right"><A HREF="http://www.thesecretweapon.com/track/refer/1" TARGET="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.thesecretweapon.com/images/sw_flag_120x60.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT="Click this button dumbass!"></A></TR></TABLE>
10-30-2002, 11:32 AM
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Citizen X
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Well I have to agree with greg. The general forum is usually all I read. Unless I was looking for something very specific I would look, or post in the forum with the most people.
10-30-2002, 11:32 AM
is not it.
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I like the idea of a Marketing forum consisting of ideas to increase, exchange, and manage traffic including search engine topics, trade needs, and new generation methods and ideas. Some announcements should be ok in this area, as the concept is to get as many ideas out in the open as possible.
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10-30-2002, 11:34 AM
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Originally posted by Cyndalie
I like the idea of a Marketing forum consisting of ideas to increase, exchange, and manage traffic including search engine topics, trade needs, and new generation methods and ideas. Some announcements should be ok in this area, as the concept is to get as many ideas out in the open as possible.
I vote for a Cyndalie forum. Forget Anna.. 
<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD WIDTH="550" VALIGN="top"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> H@ckers.com - ICQ: 402716<BR><BR> >> TGP Generator<I>!</I> - Build your own TGP and trade traffic instantly<I>!</I><BR> >> The Secret Weapon<I>!</I> - Convert SE Traffic Automatically<I>!</I><BR> >> Spamdex.com<I>!</I> - Fuck the White Rabbit<I>!</I>
<TD> <P ALIGN="right"><A HREF="http://www.thesecretweapon.com/track/refer/1" TARGET="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.thesecretweapon.com/images/sw_flag_120x60.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT="Click this button dumbass!"></A></TR></TABLE>
10-30-2002, 11:38 AM
tejano B
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2 votes for Cyndalie 
10-30-2002, 11:38 AM
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I agree with Greg, the only forum I ever read is the General Forum, but I also like the marketing forum idea. That is one I would read, people discussing trades, new ideas, everything to do with optimizing the traffic you have now, and new concepts and just a place to meet people with the same needs and get some business done.
10-30-2002, 11:39 AM
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Rude Bitch
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I have to go with no new forums too. I DO use the spam boards sometimes if I am looking for something in particular, but rarely do I jump off the main board without a purpose in mind.
Most people in general unless they are just after something in particular, will stick where the general chat is happening. 
10-30-2002, 11:40 AM
is I got teen babes!
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I like it
I like the idea of a Marketing board!!!
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10-30-2002, 11:41 AM
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Citizen X
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Search engine forum - mainly because it is always nice kicking around engine or traffic sources among webmasters that get excellent traffic!!
Kind of what we do - www.searchboxxx.com.
was that a plug for us, probably? lol
10-30-2002, 11:52 AM
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For my 2 cents, (3.3 canadian),
I only ever check in on these 3 types of forums on any of the boards I visit.
Main forum.
Traffic... just to see who is offering what today. (hit and run... usually dont read the posts from people I havent seen before or with less than a certain number of posts)
Spam... just because you never know what you might miss out on. (same as traffic forums)
There are so many webmaster boards anymore, even excluding the "old established" ones, you could spend your whole day on boards and that doesnt make you money. It's easy to get caught up in them for someone new.
I would rather see fewer forums.
But if you need to add another one, something tech/tools oriented maybe?
Though, I am sure that would be hard to make fly.
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10-30-2002, 11:53 AM
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Originally posted by Cyndalie
I like the idea of a Marketing forum consisting of ideas to increase, exchange, and manage traffic including search engine topics, trade needs, and new generation methods and ideas. Some announcements should be ok in this area, as the concept is to get as many ideas out in the open as possible.
This is the best idea I've heard in a while. I've been a little irritated lately with all the boards. You post a press release and get a ton of crap for it. These boards are for business. If I had all day to sit around and chat about my coffee and what webmaster has the cutest ass, I would, but I do have work to do during the day. Afterall, we are working right?
Let's get back to business and the future of our Industry. I would watch and post all day on that board.
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"><tr><td width="135"><a href="http://www.mygaysimlife.com/webmasters.html" target="blank"><img src="http://mygaysimlife.com/illustratedbanners/adultdesign/04.gif" alt="The first Virtual World built for the gay community in mind!" width="250" height="50" border="2"></a></td></tr><td><a href="http://www.mygaysimlife.com/webmasters.html" target="blank">The first all gay Virtual World!</a></td></tr></table>
10-30-2002, 12:09 PM
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One of the good guys
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Okay, this opinion is based on my experience both as moderator and member.
I mod at XBiz, and they have 7-8 different forums, but they also claim to have 5,000 members. Even so, there are some forums that get significantly less traffic than the more popular ones.
I also mod at MogulBoards, and we have 7-8 forums there also, but these are more along the lines of support boards, so we have one for each program. While we have close to 4.300 members, there are 2-3 forums that get most of the posts, but they are the more popular programs also.
I also frequent probably 10 webmaster boards as a member, and I have to say that other than to occasionally check out the spam boards, my attention is focused on the general chat.
I think that at this point in time that to add another forum, thinking it will get more traffic than the international board you removed is a dream, or a goal. You are still a young, growing board. Perhaps after you have gotten a few hundred more members you should ask the question again instead of relying on the 25 votes you may get today.
10-30-2002, 12:17 PM
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I think a marketing forum would be a great Idea as well!
ICQ# 81820905
Aim LaurieX
10-30-2002, 12:18 PM
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Okay, I'm a little biased here. I like the idea of a content provider's forum. Mainly because I use the content boards on other sites to see what people want and need in content, answer questions about it, and that sort of thing. But then again, these things already exist, so maybe it's best to concentrate on the thing that sets your boards apart from the others, rather than trying to emulate them. I think a lot of the boards have their own unique style and have their own things to offer. 
10-30-2002, 01:13 PM
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Hmmm. Tough choice. On one hand it's easier to just check one forum. But, at the same time having everything categorized makes things easier to find.
Being a designer, I kinda like the idea of a designer forum, and being a YNOTBob follower, I like the idea of a marketing forum, and I really like the idea of a content forum. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've looked but not found the content I want.
I would like to be able to help other designes by sharing what techniques I've learned, and I'd like to learn from the pros. After all, the shortcuts, and techniques I've learned are based on tutorials that I've found on the internet anyway. I'd like to be able to show off designs, and get feedback.
I think content, and design are indeed the backbone to the adult industry. We as designers, set the mood, atmosphere, and style to the adult industry.... and of course having kick ass content helps.
However, I'm not sure of the participation level for a design forum would be. Probably not as gooad as, say a content forum, or a marketing forum. But still it would be nice.
Last edited by RedShoe; 10-30-2002 at 01:17 PM.
10-30-2002, 01:32 PM
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X Uberant
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I rarely go to forums other than general, but that's simply because it's the only one with healthy activity. If you started a Marketing forum (HI BOB! ... and BOBBY!) that became very active, I'd be there for sure. Otherwise, I'm only interested in the Cyndalie Forum.
10-30-2002, 01:33 PM
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I like the idea of a Marketing/traffic/Search engine section.. no fluff just the meat 
I SALE Traffic!- Iphone/Mobile Traffic
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- Pre-Paid Gallery Spots
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10-30-2002, 01:46 PM
is not it.
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LOL, I already have a forum, it's called CynSmackinBootyTime
Seriously tho, I agree with BobbyR, spam and business related topics are often confused. The only kind of spam on boards that pisses me off is the drive by's "User: XXX 1 post | Visit xxx.com ". But running the forums at Adultchamber.com for the past 2 years has taught me that being flexible and tolerant can help the poster come out of their shell a bit. I usually do it by asking a question about the products/site/service/program. If they dont answer in 2-3 days I assume it's a drive by and move it to the spam thread. If they do reply there's more information being exchanged, more posts, and eventually, more dedicated visitors/posters. Interactivity not Complacency. Isn't that what its all about? Most newbies don't have the finnesse us old timers have when it comes to integrating promotions and presence in everyday marketing. We've all been there.
By creating a marketing thread it may bring more ideas to the table that otherwise would not because a visitor is afraid of being accused of "spamming" their product. Well if we can't represent, why are we here?  Touche
Hardcore, Blowjobs, Gay, Wives, Lesbians, Gangbang, Movies, Tranny, Interracial, Teen....
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10-30-2002, 02:05 PM
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I think that there is definitely room for a useful board, such as a marketing board, but is it going to actually get used? If it gets used is it going to be for the right purpose?
ICQ: 61462417
10-30-2002, 02:22 PM
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Rochards Daddy
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Tips and Tricks or Marketing would be cool 
10-30-2002, 02:24 PM
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Marketing & Traffic Booster
10-30-2002, 04:35 PM
Vid Vicious
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I agre with the masses... A general forum seems to be the only forum i check ... would hate to have more reasons to waste time .. LOL .. Besides if anyone's got anythig important to say or ask they can do in gerneral .. However A spam forum would be good to seprate those "types" ...
10-30-2002, 04:53 PM
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Citizen X
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Make some guides! If you for example are keen on hosting - then show us the best way to find hosting.
We are here to help eachother!
Will contact you Chris in the middle of November.
10-30-2002, 06:19 PM
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a marketing/business board would be great. not a spam forum, but not a whorefest either. sometimes the general forum's "hey! look at me! hahhaha LOL  :0  i am bored" thing is fun and sometimes it is a real drag
trying to cull posts out of the general forum for it would be a mistake, but a refuge from whoring would be nice
dont look here
10-30-2002, 06:53 PM
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I say leave it as it is, but if you really must add one then I choose Design Forum.
Anything that involves boobs really couldn't hurt, either. 

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10-30-2002, 07:38 PM
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The "Cyndalie Forum" sounds good, what about including new scripts or programs, maybe somone has something new to offer, to make our lives easier or if you want any work like that done ...
10-30-2002, 08:45 PM
Brad Mitchell
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My original inclination was to check hosting... so I did, then voted.
However, I was wrong.
What makes these boards a success is that they're user driven. Honestly, if people want to talk about hosting or content they'll just start a new thread. I think if you open new forums it will just likely lead to a dilution of posting... which is no good! The fact of the matter is that those areas are part of our every day business... and I like seeing them in the main forum.... when I like something's title, I click and read it.
If you look at other forums you'll see that nobody ever reads the announcement forum postings, especially when compared to regular stuff... that should be some indication.
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