Nova Submitter V 1.15 - we haven't been sleeping - X Nations
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Old 01-24-2005, 01:56 PM   #1
zhuk should edit this
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Default Nova Submitter V 1.15 - we haven't been sleeping

Our team has well worked, and now is ready to please all adult-webmasters with the new version of submitter. Now you can change a database or create your own, to adjust its maximum under yourselves. The majority of new functions is adjusted on increase in sites which will pass now in an automatic mode.

For example, now the program itself comes on necessary URL depending on a category, puts a tick on the necessary category, the opportunity to set various patterns for e-mails has appeared. Now the program can put various recips for different categories, and also can emulate work of various e-mail clients The Bat! and Outlook Express. But it is far from being all improvements so we invite you to visit our site behind more detailed information!

And also we ask to pay attention that you can use completely free-of-charge our program without restrictions during 2 weeks.

2 weeks free test period
ISQ 170437552
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