02-22-2005, 09:21 PM
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Out of action for a few more days, hit by a car while cycling =(
Cycling on busy roads in Brisbane can be dangerous as I found out.
She'll be right mate, I said to the driver of a new blue colored fairlane ford after lifting myself off the bonnet. "Three cheers for head gear" Now I got to rest up some, so you guys take care of XNations and I'll join you here in a day or two.
Not too much damage to my bike "Giant", so all can be fixed. My shoulder took most of the impact but she'll be right mate.
Have a great day
02-22-2005, 09:42 PM
Evil Chris
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Mark! Are you ok??
02-23-2005, 12:14 AM
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Anything out of place? hope you don't need any hospital intervention.
The bike looks busted up good, but hopefully the frame's still usable...
02-23-2005, 12:56 AM
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Holy crap Monaro are you alright!? Did you get yourself to a hospital?
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02-23-2005, 02:48 AM
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Mark.. do you need a nurse? no seriously are you ok? You make sure you take it easy til your ok!
02-23-2005, 07:39 AM
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sending positive energy your way monaro
and many many hugs
02-23-2005, 11:48 AM
is Supreme Soul Rider
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Getting hit by a car while cycling is the worst. Hope you feel better!
02-23-2005, 03:08 PM
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ĦEl Perico!
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Feel better mate!
Miami..... what more can I say....
02-23-2005, 04:25 PM
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Hey make sure you see a doctor just for the hell of it.
Even if you don't think you need to.
02-23-2005, 04:33 PM
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sux mate - hope you are feeling ok
as a cyclist in the same city for the last ten years i know all about this shit unfortunatly
02-23-2005, 07:15 PM
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Monaro wow I just read this and well that's motorists for you.
I've heard of some near misses and some fatalities and I guess some motorists just don't see cyclists on those roads. I feel it's the shield factor, if they can't see you it won't hurt them when they hit you...
take care and get better soon and I know I'm showing as N/A for a bit (to get some work done) I am here if you need anything.
Our car is out of action at the moment - hoping to get it back today and if not the service guy will not be a happy chappy when I finish with him. It should have been ready yesterday afternoon...
We've got our fingers crossed that we'll still make it to Brisbane tomorrow and if the car isn't well enough then our computer guy has made the offer of a lend of his..
take it easy and if you need anything, Steve and I are not that far away really  Monaro
02-23-2005, 08:30 PM
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I hope you are ok!!??
You should really see a doctor...getting hit by a car is no joking matter...I was always under the impression you never left your home...
Hope you are fine!! 
02-23-2005, 08:34 PM
is Back In The Harbor
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Wow, hope you recover quickly and that never happens again! Glad to hear you're okay even if the bike isn't!
02-24-2005, 04:14 AM
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okay shall try to type with my left hand.
it was a bit upsetting about my bike and this guy Jeff's car bonnet, front grill and bumper.
Well my shoulder and right hand is still giving me pain now drinkin vodka to fix that feeling, doctor advised i have torn my rotor cuff in my right shoulder i said like is that what that pain is. She told me to take something that i have never heard of and wants me to do some sort of therapy for a few weeks. I shook my head and stated my other condition of recovering agoraphobic and how i just avoid anything like that.
So left hand is working, trying to use the mouse is a weird feeling and well no more headaches.
The car hit me head on but the speed was only 30kms jeff told me. The impact launched me about a 1/2 metre in the air and i landed hard on my shoulder, carried for about 2 to 3 metres and i found my face was feeling the heat from the bonnet. Every thing felt like it was in slow motion. I remembered lifting myself up and my right arm dam it felt like it was ripped off. I also remember looking down and seeing the dent on the car from my helmet the larger dent from the my shoulder impact wasnt seen at first as i was having trouble getting myself up off the car. Still very shaken as i didnt see it happen, the car just came out to turn and Jeff said he didnt see me. I remember looking to my right as there was a white van turning and well we both must have been watching this white van.
thanks for some caring words, i am not a tuff guy i even cried when the doctor was bending my arm this way and that, i can take a hit or two, for a short time i thought the doctor wanted to see how far it can bend backwards lol. yeah i can laugh at it now but dam that hurt.
Sweet & Gruntled, my front forks are all twisted. No hospital, the doctor was checking out my arm and felt my shoulder seem as it clicked and for a split second it felt good. I don't thing my shoulder was fully out of the socket.
anyway will not be missing sexpo, cant keep a good aussie down.
btw Jeff offered to shout a few beers
at the pub in a few weeks time after he dropped me back home he told me he lives only a few streets away.
Thanks for lifting my spirit and well being.
Talk soon
02-24-2005, 05:25 AM
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hmm you've had a few Vodkas... ok check your email when you can - and now we have the car back there is something else that needs fixing - all the timing is right so it goes back in the morning.
We'll be down there on Saturday so we can make an early start being as we have no idea how long these guys will take to fix this problem. Seems like they have no idea and they have this thing about females being able to tell them what the problem is...
If you can hold out till Saturday we'll come by pick you up and drive you there... so check your damn email ok.
Seriously Monaro... damn that hurts. Our brother-in-law had the same thing, is there any chance you can get the therapist come to you?
Chat soon
02-24-2005, 06:51 AM
Sheri Santiago
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Wow, I flipped over my handlebars once and I thought that was pure hell, I can't imagine going through what you went through. Hope for a speedy recovery...
02-24-2005, 08:20 AM
is Travelling the
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Wow! I hope you're ok sweetheart. Want me to come to Australia and kick the drivers ass???
I hope you feel better soon...Everyone here sends their happy thoughts for you mate! 
02-24-2005, 03:54 PM
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Originally posted by dyonisus
Getting hit by a car while cycling is the worst. Hope you feel better!
02-24-2005, 05:04 PM
Don Soporno
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holy shit dude, rest up. Sorry about your bike but better the bike then you no?
02-24-2005, 07:29 PM
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OMG, I just saw this. You poor thing. I hope you're feeling better soon and don't have to resort to using your left hand for everything. LOL. Although, you seem to have typed an awful lot with your left hand which leads me to believe you are very talented with it.
Hope you're better soon, mate.
02-25-2005, 06:03 AM
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I slept very well yesterday, even with out drinking too much vodka, i guess i don"t normaly drink too much at all to relax.
My left thumb and index finger combo works really well on the keyboard, just focus on one letter at a time Don  Mr tall man and pinky take care of the harder keys like : and )
Anyway feeling a bit better with high hopes that my shoulder will recover really well. Im doing some of my own exercises, accepting the pain and trying to do put pressure on it and do the round the world motion. But I pull allot of weird faces when i do that..
Today i had to write down some notes with pen and paper and I am shocked at the creative writting that i can pull with writting with my left hand.
It was scairy though, i dont want to go though that again. O I cant spread vegimite on bread at the moment and that made me think about all the people, my heart goes out to them who have use of only one arm.
Right now im trying to write some html and its taking me forever, just like my long winded post. But your thoughs have put a warm feeling on my chest and i say thankyou mates.
Have a greaty weekend.
BTW Cheeky, Are we still on for Sexpo on Saturday? I read your email, call you soon.
Have a great weekend
02-25-2005, 06:12 AM
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Hi Mark,
I hope we are still on for Saturday, there's not many hours left till then lol
Let me know when you will be calling and I'll be here to answer the phone  Did the zip come through ok ?
Chat soon
02-25-2005, 09:16 AM
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sounds like the webmasters from down under and getting down and dirty!

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02-25-2005, 01:02 PM
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Originally posted by monaro
It was scairy though, i dont want to go though that again. O I cant spread vegimite on bread at the moment and that made me think about all the people, my heart goes out to them who have use of only one arm.
Well, take care of yourself, man. You are the only you we have.
Oh, and I've had vegimite before. Ugh, it's definitely an acquired taste.
02-25-2005, 04:58 PM
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G'day Sweet, nothing at all dirty mate, strictly business event happening today.
Don, I don't really have allot of that good wholesome black stuff =) its just the easiest thing to spead on bread.
I look at it as being in the same bucket as peanut butter and jelly is over there.
02-25-2005, 05:11 PM
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Originally posted by monaro
I look at it as being in the same bucket as peanut butter and jelly is over there.
Well, if I tried Peanut Butter and Jelly that tasted like THAT, I would have to take issue with Jif and Smuckers. LOL!!! I'm just kidding, I know how big it is over there. I've been to Australia before.
Do they still make Tooeys beer? I think that's how it's spelled. That was the first beer I ever drank. I was visiting cousins in Enfield. LOL! Funny the things we remember.
02-25-2005, 05:27 PM
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Originally posted by WWC-DonMike
Do they still make Tooeys beer? I think that's how it's spelled. That was the first beer I ever drank. I was visiting cousins in Enfield. LOL! Funny the things we remember.
Tooheys is a really great bbq sort of beer to wash down well cooked lamb chops or a rack of ribs.
url tooheysnew.com.au/home.html happened to be one of my bookmarks LOL
Enfield, really cool Don. =)
Your cousin wouldnt happen to be a unix guru?
I know of a few hardcore unix guys who live close to Enfield NSW's
02-25-2005, 05:37 PM
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Originally posted by monaro
Tooheys is a really great bbq sort of beer to wash down well cooked lamb chops or a rack of ribs.
url tooheysnew.com.au/home.html happened to be one of my bookmarks LOL
Enfield, really cool Don. =)
Your cousin wouldnt happen to be a unix guru?
I know of a few hardcore unix guys who live close to Enfield NSW's
OMG, didn't that website bring back memories. Well, Monaro, the last time I saw my cousins was back in 87, sadly. They were in real estate or remodeling homes or something, LOL. It's been way too long. It was a beautiful place, though. I remember getting a hamburger at a little diner, and it had beets on it, and then I had to go next door for french fries. LOL! But I do want to go back to Australia someday.
02-28-2005, 05:29 AM
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Originally posted by WWC-DonMike
Well, take care of yourself, man. You are the only you we have.
Oh, and I've had vegimite before. Ugh, it's definitely an acquired taste.
You ate Vegemite? Blah!
You're supposed to rub it over your face to keep the drop bears away 
02-28-2005, 12:19 PM
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Oh, I'll remember that next time.
What's a drop bear?
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