04-30-2005, 07:04 PM
Evil Chris
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sad doughnut news
The Krispy Kreme on Montreal's west island has closed down.
I was driving there tonight with Ryan. We were going to get a dozen and a coffee. Lights were off, the signs gone, and notices in the window that read "Sorry, we're closed as of 24 April".
Now I have to drive all the way to Laval or Marche Central to get my fix.
04-30-2005, 07:44 PM
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I'm only a fan of the KK regular / plain donuts so this doesn't bother me that much and the Marche Centrale and Laval KK is closer than the WE location
on a much more positive Donut note; it seems as though Dunkin' Donuts is having a rebirth, might take some time but they're going to be back in full effect and I'm with them every step of the way. I've always been a fan of their variety and freshness...time to make the dooooonuuuuts  (I wish I could find a pic of that guy)
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05-01-2005, 06:59 AM
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Citizen X
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all the krispy kreme outlets in my area have also went away dam i love those donuts! i think krispy kreme is going bye bye.
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05-01-2005, 03:29 PM
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Today is a sad day indeed! 
05-01-2005, 09:14 PM
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oh boy that sux chris , its like us in vancouver we have to drive like 45mins to the nearest krispy kreme in another area . Well atleast we have them still .... Gosh now i am craving for a dozen *DROOOOoooOL*
05-01-2005, 10:24 PM
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(I know my donuts)

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05-01-2005, 10:24 PM
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funny that Krispy Kreme's are closing up there... down here in IL it's quite the opposite. Grocery stores are starting to carry them, and they're moving into tons of gas stations with small kiosks. The big KK stores aren't so much taking over, but the brand sure seems to be making headway and gaining market share.
05-02-2005, 07:14 PM
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sorry to hear that bro - but kreme is not doing well in the stocks and are closing locations all around. You can find them in walmart down here selling their stuff but thats about it.
Come back to the dark force of Tim Hortons
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05-03-2005, 09:55 AM
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Originally posted by TheLegacy
sorry to hear that bro - but kreme is not doing well in the stocks and are closing locations all around. You can find them in walmart down here selling their stuff but thats about it.
Come back to the dark force of Tim Hortons
Dunkin' Donuts #1
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05-03-2005, 05:48 PM
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Originally posted by gunner
funny that Krispy Kreme's are closing up there... down here in IL it's quite the opposite. Grocery stores are starting to carry them, and they're moving into tons of gas stations with small kiosks. The big KK stores aren't so much taking over, but the brand sure seems to be making headway and gaining market share.
That's what they seem to be doing here too. Going into the major food chains and also Walmart. The franchise in the west island (of montreal, the one Chris is talking about) didn't even last a year. I knew they were over doing it, should've stopped at 2, would've worked better.
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05-03-2005, 06:19 PM
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That sucks. I can always ship you guys some!!
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Aim LaurieX
05-03-2005, 06:55 PM
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I've never been a Krispy Kreme fan. They taste like those pre-packaged supermarket donuts to me. Now Dunkin' Donuts, there's a donut!!! I hope they start doing so well they move to the West Coast.
Although my sister made a very powerful observation when I first moved here. She said, "you know, LA is supposed to be this big health nut kind of place but there's a freakin' donut shop on every corner!!!"
05-03-2005, 07:01 PM
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Originally posted by WWC-DonMike
I've never been a Krispy Kreme fan. They taste like those pre-packaged supermarket donuts to me. Now Dunkin' Donuts, there's a donut!!! I hope they start doing so well they move to the West Coast.
Although my sister made a very powerful observation when I first moved here. She said, "you know, LA is supposed to be this big health nut kind of place but there's a freakin' donut shop on every corner!!!"
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05-03-2005, 07:04 PM
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Originally posted by sweet7
Not as often as I like, sweet7. LOL!
btw, can you mail me some Dunkin' Donut goodness? 
05-03-2005, 09:13 PM
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See, you have no idea how much I miss Tim Horton's plain donuts.
Of course, I've lost 30 lbs...
05-03-2005, 11:10 PM
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Originally posted by WWC-DonMike
Not as often as I like, sweet7. LOL!
btw, can you mail me some Dunkin' Donut goodness?
lol, by the time it gets to you on the west coast man it's not gonna taste too good!
they don't have any Dunkin' D's in L.A.?
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05-04-2005, 02:35 AM
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They sux anyways. Try some pan dulce.
05-04-2005, 02:37 AM
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I so love KK ... grew up with them in my home town in Akron, OH. Would of loved to of actually had a franchise. Was something I seriously missed when I moved to Cleveland. Not a decent donut shop to be had at the time.
You have no idea how excited I was to see them start showing up in some of the bigger gas station/food courts and then finally available at my local super market! Not as fabulous as stopping by the actual store and getting them hot off the roller, but a quick 10 seconds in the micro wave and it's nearly the same thing.
05-04-2005, 05:04 AM
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They are opening a good number of KK over here now but I really wish it was Dunkin Donuts instead. I like a KK now and then but overall they are a bit too sweet for me.

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05-04-2005, 05:07 AM
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Always thought they were over rated. I only liked the glazed ones anyways.
05-04-2005, 12:47 PM
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Originally posted by sweet7
lol, by the time it gets to you on the west coast man it's not gonna taste too good!
they don't have any Dunkin' D's in L.A.?
LOL! Yes, I guess you're right. I have not seen a Dunkin' Donuts here in all the six years I've lived her. I have run across a few Long John Silvers, which I didn't think were here, so there's still hope.
We do have a lot of great mom n' pop donut places that are really good. So I couldn't be complaining. And I'm sure you've all seen the place that has the giant donut on top of it in movies. It's called Randy's and it's in a lot of movies shot in LA. Somewhat of a landmark. They have some of truely amazing donuts there, including a glazed one that is three times the size of a regular one. You almost need two hands to hold it. It's really yummy.
Damn, now I'm jonzin' for a donut and all I have is a small bag of shredded wheat. 
05-04-2005, 02:14 PM
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Originally posted by WWC-DonMike
LOL! Yes, I guess you're right. I have not seen a Dunkin' Donuts here in all the six years I've lived her. I have run across a few Long John Silvers, which I didn't think were here, so there's still hope.
We do have a lot of great mom n' pop donut places that are really good. So I couldn't be complaining. And I'm sure you've all seen the place that has the giant donut on top of it in movies. It's called Randy's and it's in a lot of movies shot in LA. Somewhat of a landmark. They have some of truely amazing donuts there, including a glazed one that is three times the size of a regular one. You almost need two hands to hold it. It's really yummy.
Damn, now I'm jonzin' for a donut and all I have is a small bag of shredded wheat.
I was watching some documentary or something on Donuts once and L.A. seemed to have the most mom and pop places as well as the best donuts. Lucky 
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05-04-2005, 02:42 PM
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Originally posted by sweet7
I was watching some documentary or something on Donuts once and L.A. seemed to have the most mom and pop places as well as the best donuts. Lucky
My Buddah belly ain't so lucky. LOL!!!
05-04-2005, 03:11 PM
is Supreme Soul Rider
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Buddah Belly, lol, that is exactly what my lady calls my belly. I think mine was caused by beers though, I am not a huge donut fan...
05-05-2005, 02:39 AM
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05-05-2005, 01:17 PM
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Oh, you people are such a bad influence on me!!! I went out to "Tasty Donuts" last night (yes, there is a donut shop in my neighborhood called "Tasty Donuts") and had an old fashioned glazed and a chocolate iced chocolate cake dount. Mmmm. 
05-05-2005, 01:35 PM
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damn that sounds good
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05-06-2005, 04:01 PM
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Originally posted by webgurl
oh boy that sux chris , its like us in vancouver we have to drive like 45mins to the nearest krispy kreme in another area . Well atleast we have them still .... Gosh now i am craving for a dozen *DROOOOoooOL*
The drive to Richmond for Krispy Kremes glazed donuts!
MMMMMM, for some reason donuts taste different down in florida. What do I know, it's been a long time since I've had a KK donut. 
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