11-07-2002, 04:30 PM
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What do you like most about being in the online adult business?
Just curious on what drives Webmasters to continue to move forward in this crazy ever changing business. It is obviously something that they love, enjoy and get a sense of completion by doing. What's your reason and love of this crazy business?
Keep on Rockin'
11-07-2002, 05:15 PM
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Re: What do you like most about being in the online adult business?
Originally posted by Masters
It is obviously something that they love, enjoy and get a sense of completion by doing.
My reason is simple... i am afraid of sunlight and of the out side world not accepting me
11-07-2002, 07:00 PM
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11-08-2002, 02:27 AM
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For me it would have to be to help support my addiction to hard work and learning new things.
Where else can I work my ass off and learn at the same time?
It surely can't be the naked men that I see.. Doesn't seem like you guys are taking anything off *giggle*
11-08-2002, 03:00 AM
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Sofa King Band
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people in the porn business rock. I often look at the porn business, at least online anyway.... as the way that all business should be run.
I mean, honestly... networking, getting to know each other, meets all over the continent just to... well, meet!!
People getting to know each other for mutual advantage so that everyone can just make more $$ to have a better time at the next meet.
If more businesses and companies would operate in the same way, I think that economies in all countries would just be so much stronger... and people in general would just be so much nicer to each other.
Here in July, during the Westcoast Webmasters Conference I got to meet people who have way more money than I'll ever see, and just sat back and had a drink with them, joking about the quality of good looking people on Robson St. In any other business, you don't get that. You'd never ever get to see the people with the $$ or power.
I love this biz.... I love the people in it. I think the more of a community it can be, the closer all the people can be, the more beneficial to everyone involved. And the best part is... obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks that way... cause it's workin right now!!
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
11-08-2002, 04:50 AM
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Xited Frenchy
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Working with open-minded ppl...
Dealing with lots of different approaches about sex...

11-08-2002, 05:44 AM
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Im a sexaddict.....thats mainly it...love porn and thought I might just make some money while doing what I like
Also the money is nice too....
And you meet lots of cool friends all over the net!
11-08-2002, 06:02 AM
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I love the business people....most are open minded, easy going and always opening to new networking connections. Unlike the mainstream corporate world...you'd never see a newbie starting up his first site ever get the time of day from seasoned individuals who technically are his competition. Most of the people in the business don't work against each other...although I am competitive by nature I've always felt that in the grand scheme of things, co-operation among business will do more good in the long term.
Plus the money is great....and things are considerably less stressful than your average 9-5 job.
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11-08-2002, 10:26 AM
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Originally posted by Apollo
Plus the money is great....and things are considerably less stressful than your average 9-5 job.
Less stress? NO WAY!. I think at times it can be more stressful.
11-08-2002, 10:37 AM
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Some really great stuff here so far... thanks for your input and I hope we get more Webmasters telling why they like & love the passion for this business.
Apollo, StuartD, princess and the other have some really good stuff there. As for PD, who didn't already know that! ...lol j/k bro you know I love ya'
As for me... I've been in it about 8 years so I am considered a pioneer or what I prefer, 1st generation. I love the biz for all of the reasons so far stated above and a few more. I hate the biz because of the loooong hours and tedious work involved at times. This biz has made me some great money and lost me some big money… but what the hell, who hasn’t it? I still keep plugging along and my plans are in the future to build and transit over into mainstream successfully which btw, has been more of a failure to those whom tried it then a success which have been very far and few in-between.
I look forward to meeting all of you at the up and coming shows.
Keep on Rockin’ (does anyone know who I am by this tagline?)

11-08-2002, 11:13 AM
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Sofa King Band
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Originally posted by Masters
Keep on Rockin’ (does anyone know who I am by this tagline?)
Neil Young? 
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
11-08-2002, 12:35 PM
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Originally posted by Masters
Keep on Rockin’ (does anyone know who I am by this tagline?)
the most important part of the quote was left out: IN THE FREE WORLD!!!
-Search All Adult Sponsors In One Place. Find The Perfect Sponsor For Your Niches & Other Criteria Important To You (Free Content, PayPal Payout, Free Hosting...) at Sponsors List.com
11-08-2002, 01:36 PM
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B-B-B-B-Bad to da Bone !!
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I'm in porn for the B( . )( . )BIES !!! 
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11-08-2002, 02:44 PM
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I felt into it by chance. I was delivering pizza's 4 years ago and a friend asked me if I wanted to come work with him at the "porn" place. I started off just scanning pictures all day. Now I've worked my way to the top and am running the office. Showed me what I could do if I actually applied myself and stopped goofing off. And now I love what I do, actually the first "real" job I've ever had (I'm only 23). And I'll agree that I most of the people I've deal with are really nice and open minded, most like to work together to make each other profitable, being that traffic, sales, etc. Anyway, I'll let it at that...I've been here for about 4 years and plan on staying.
11-08-2002, 03:10 PM
is not it.
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Easy, the people and the paychecks 
Hardcore, Blowjobs, Gay, Wives, Lesbians, Gangbang, Movies, Tranny, Interracial, Teen....
16 Sites, $35 PPS/ 60% Revshare :: Capitalize on Experience
Cyndee - Director of Marketing & SEO
11-08-2002, 08:53 PM
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The fact that it is cutting edge and a major part of history.
The friendships that I have developed are also pretty kewl.
11-09-2002, 11:24 PM
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Great stuff here... ! Even some short and sweet ones.
Let's keep the thread going!
Keep on Rockin'
Last edited by Masters; 11-09-2002 at 11:32 PM.
11-10-2002, 03:43 PM
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I fell into the biz through a former partner who came up with the plan to start a content store, and had no previous exposure to the biz. I am most pleasantly surprised by the professionalism of the people I come in contact with. Every conversation, transaction...has been conducted with great people who display so many positive business qualities that it has far surpassed the dealings I have had in other professions I have been in.
-Search All Adult Sponsors In One Place. Find The Perfect Sponsor For Your Niches & Other Criteria Important To You (Free Content, PayPal Payout, Free Hosting...) at Sponsors List.com
11-10-2002, 04:08 PM
Vid Vicious
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The Hours
11-10-2002, 07:01 PM
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The fame and fortune?

Coming Soon!
11-10-2002, 10:03 PM
Bruno Dickman
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Well... I love the people from the industry, I love porn, I love money and I love chalenges. So I thought to myself 3 years ago, "why not?" - Since them I learn a new reason why I love it everyday!
Take care,
Bruno Dickman
11-10-2002, 11:45 PM
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What do I like most? The people!
It is definitely cool to work with people who are laid back but still serious about making money.
Looking a naked girls all day is nice too
11-11-2002, 10:20 AM
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Bp4L - Vice Prez
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I am into it for the money and Sex
11-12-2002, 09:39 AM
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heheh, great post.. short and to the point... my thoughts exactly :-)
Keep on Rockin'
11-12-2002, 03:23 PM
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I'm hoping to one day be able to do a gay shoot with Vid Vicious.
He'll be on bottom of course.

11-13-2002, 03:07 AM
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Bp4L - Vice Prez
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Originally posted by Masters
heheh, great post.. short and to the point... my thoughts exactly :-)
Don't let everyone else bullsh*t you !
11-13-2002, 09:06 AM
is Travelling the
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Originally posted by gunner
I'm hoping to one day be able to do a gay shoot with Vid Vicious.
He'll be on bottom of course.
11-13-2002, 11:19 AM
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It won't hurt. Trust me.
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I am in it for the message board giveaways.
I still need more clothes and a bean bag chair. (the original ergonomic chair)
Anyone seen my life?
If you make fun of my age... I'll hit you with my cane.
11-13-2002, 01:16 PM
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Sofa King Band
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I'm actually thinking this might be a question I can better answer after January... I am so totally looking forward to Vegas 
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
11-13-2002, 05:08 PM
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Re: Re: What do you like most about being in the online adult business?
Originally posted by mailman
My reason is simple... i am afraid of sunlight and of the out side world not accepting me
There is really a so-called "outside world" beyond the borders of cyber space? I thought that was just some myth....
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