Some thoughts and truth about hentai content and the copyrights problems involve. - X Nations
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Old 07-08-2005, 08:47 AM   #1
unwired should edit this
Citizen X
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Default Some thoughts and truth about hentai content and the copyrights problems involve.

It seems that Hentai is one of the most profitable niche on the market for 2 main reasons .
1) It's draining a huge crowd that can't really be consider your average porn buyer . A lot of hentai lovers are paradoxaly not really into regular porn , this customers tend to be loyal as long as they get what they pay for
2)The other reason that makes hentai so profitable is that most of the webmasters just don't pay for their hentai content . It's not really a secret anymore that there isn't much legal hentai content on the market (out of exclusive content and my content that Matrix use to distribute as MMG or Unwired ) but japanese are not really into procedure and copyright lawsuit when it comes to sex . So japanese hentai sites have become a huge free market where everybody is coming , to fill his cart and get its content for free . I am certainly aware that there is some player out there who acquired their content legally and are doing a decent job , on the other hand , a 10 minutes search on google or some of the affiliate programs allow to find 100's of sites distributing illegal hentai content and most of the time mine.

I woudn't care less except for a simple fact . As the main producer of hentai content , I can see my pictures everywhere on internet for years without making any money out of them .So I would like to try to offer webmasters an opportunity to clear the situation by offering a way to go legit and even genrate more revenue by offering new content . I am producing mainly for the japanese market , so most of the content I got has not been seen ever in its uncensored version . As I am interested to put this content on the market today , I have at the same time to make sure that I am not living the same situation again where my content is profitable to everybody except myself .
So I invite webmaster with an hentai site to have a look at my content site , ask me questions if they happen to see some of their content on my site and eventually acquire in a legitimate manner the content they might be selling for some time now . My goal is not to know who is selling my stuff and for how long but to give an opportunity to everybody to start on a nice basis . From now on ,I will be providing hentai content to the western market and think that in the long term , it will be profiatble to everybody to start a nice commercial relation with us .
This might be consider spam or whatever advertising but I hope that you can understand that after being riped off for years , I use this board to clarify things . On the other hand , I arrive today at a point where I am certainly ready to go legally after any site selling my content without any
legitimacy .
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