Are there any films that really stood out for you this year that might dominate the Oscars?
I can't think of one worthy movie right now for the academy award for Best Picture.
I think it may end up being one of those years where some really sappy movies get nominated and win. Kinda like when it's the year for a crappy musical to win all the awards. Remember "Chicago", "Amadeus", "Moulin Rouge", and let's not forget the incredibly tacky "West Side Story".
The kind of movies that make us look back and go... "What on earth were we thinking?"
So let's see... what did we have this year that was good?
Pick out from
this list from Wikipedia what you think might win something. (whether or not you think it deserves it)
Cars, by Pixar (maybe Best Picture!)
World Trade Center (I hope not)
All the Kings Men (because there may not be anything else)
Flags of our Fathers
The Departed (this one has a real shot)
A Good Year (yet to be released, but looks promising)
Apocalypto (if Mel Gibson hadn't revealed himself to be such an idiot, this movie might have gone all the way. Release date December 8)
The Good German (with George Clooney. Might be good)
The Good Shepherd (story of the birth of the CIA with an all star cast)
Obviously it's tough to judge movies we haven't seen yet, but it appears to me that the best of this Oscar year is yet to come as of the date of this thread.
The only guarantee I give is: Look for movies with the word "GOOD" in them to win Oscars this time around.... even if they aren't very "GOOD" motion pictures.