Press Release - Launch Of New Invisible Counter Service - X Nations
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Old 01-23-2005, 01:37 PM   #1
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Default Press Release - Launch Of New Invisible Counter Service

Counter Serve announces the launch of its new Invisible Counter Service

Counter Serve Press Release

January 23, 2005

After 6 months in development and testing announces the release of their new adult industry counter.

Counter Serve was developed by Jonathon Rube, who got the idea after listening to the frustrations of webmasters in regards to counters. “I heard a lot of complaints about counters causing gallery rejections, about them being a traffic leak and about the time consuming effort to sign up for one, so I did something about it,” Stated Rube.

“We give the webmaster a choice of having an invisible or a just digits counter without any ad graphic. Its goal is functionality and ease of use. Signing up is quick and easy and unlimited websites can be tracked under one account.”

The counter will track page loads, hits, unique visitors, returning visitors, referrers, surfer’s paths, popular pages, countries, browsers, screen resolutions, OS's, and search engine keywords all without having to modify the code for each page. Also another big feature of Counter Serve is it's sig tracking which allows you to track your sigs across the boards!

A demo of the counter can be seen at by simply using the username and password demo:demo at the site. Any questions can be directed to



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