OK Guys here my thoughts,
So I ask Evil Chris for a temp user/pass to CFF ( Easton told me that's the abreavtion all da true playa's know this LOL) and I was BLOWED away. Not only was he quick and more than responsive; some times I get the run around. he gave me asccess to rectal router and you know what I forget the name to the oher cause I didnt make it that far. LOLI was stuck in CFF. I stated feeling bad I was sucking up all with his bandwith. So I banned myself. LOL
Now grant you being a content provider the last two years I have been inside a ton a of paysites members areas and Im far from jaded. I was AMAZED and the quality of the site.
From the navigation, colors, updates and the amazing content. WOW.

Did I mention the content??
It's wasnt degrading, it was real and it was fun just like sex is suppose to be in my mind!!
It made me relaize what a dork I was in college. That shit never happened to me.

WAY TO GO!! Im in love